Muslims who gathered at the Murshidabad mosque in West Bengal on Friday were not even wearing masks or cloth to cover their mouths and nose. Police had to request and disperse those who had gathered.
With relentless increase in Coronavirus cases all over the country, the central government and states are taking all measures to ensure that it does not spread further. It was hoped that after the super-spreader Tablighi Jamaat Markaz at Nizamudding in Delhi turned out to be a catastrophe, people especially Muslims would be more careful and desist from meeting in large numbers. But that seems to be a wishful thinking given the news coming from West Bengal where Muslims had gathered for Friday namaaz in large numbers.
BanglaHunt reports that hundreds of Muslims gathered in a Mosque in Murshidabad district in West Bengal on Friday violating all norms of lockdown and social distancing measures. The Mosque which violated the norms is located in Gopipur area of Barchana in Murshidabad.
Muslims who gathered for the Namaaz not only did not maintain social distancing but none wore masks or atleast a cloth to cover their mouths and nose as mandated to avoid the spread of the virus. It has come to notice that the gathering came about despite the Imams in West Bengal requesting Muslims to observe Namaaz at home and not come to Mosques.
As soon as the news of the gathering for Namaaz spread, police from the nearby Kandi station arrived at the scene and requested those gathered to disperse soon. After police requested again, the Imam of the Mosque again declared that Muslims should observe Namaaz only at home and not venture out.
It is also suspected that West Bengal has been under-reporting the Coronvirus cases till date. With such defiant attitude of the Muslim community, the state is at a much higher risk of further delaying the flattening of the curve opine medical experts.