Roots of COVID-19, the Chinese Virus, lie in Communism and its hegemonistic worldview
All the countries should get together to understand the message that Nature has given us and stop China and the Communist regime in its tracks. The Third World countries too have to also make their voice heard as none cane afford to remain silent anymore
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Mar 31, 2020, 01:24 pm IST
All the countries should get together to understand the message that Nature has given us and stop China and the Communist regime in its tracks. The Third World countries too have to also make their voice heard as none cane afford to remain silent anymore
COVID-19 or Chinese Virus as it is now known popularly all over the world has killed more than 28,000 people so far. The total number of people affected is about 600,000 so far. Some have linked the Corona Virus episode to World War III saying that China has made an attempt to take over the world by launching a biological war all over the world and causing deaths and financial loss to the whole world. Connections are being drawn to the Stock Market crash all over the world, except in China and how China is buying up all the biggest companies all over the world by making use of the stock market crash. There is a report which shows that the 4 biggest banks in the world are now Chinese. China is also the country which has now got more countries, especially the Third World countries, under its debt than any other country in the world.
Every word of the above is true. But …
In the past, every country which raided any other country did so to bring riches to its own country. It plundered, looted and killed the people of another country to fulfil its ambitions. Yes, in doing so, a portion of its populace also got killed, but if one were to compare, such sacrifices were relatively less. But any country which followed the Virus of Communism did the opposite – Communism demanded the sacrifice of its own people to win over another country or to have a revolution in the country of its existence. Whether it is any country in South America or Europe or Asia, the basic rule has been that the people of the country were sacrificed first. Not just that, the culture, the heritage, the empathy of the people was sacrificed too. In countries where the Military or where Despots took over, the result was the same. Though Monarchy and Democracy as it exists today may not be the best form of government, they still stand heads and shoulders above Communism, Military or Dictatorship. And among these forms of government too, Communism is the worst, because while Military rule or Dictatorship is bound by the borders of the country it exists in, Communism spreads its wings over borders too.
When all this is known, why is it that Communism still exists today? Many apologists say that the current form Chinese Communism is more Capitalistic now, but I beg to differ. Maybe the business model has changed to allow people to accumulate wealth, but the virus of Communism is not about wealth generation at all! Every communist country had its Millionaires and Billionaires and the Rulers, the Generals and the Bureaucrats were probably the richest forever. So though it put up a façade of Socialism, Equality and equal wealth distribution, the basic concept of Communism was always destroying the culture, the religious faith believed in and the independent thinking of the masses. Once all these features which help in developing the thought process and maintaining the sanity of the individual were destroyed, you had a generation of people devoid of any crutches to lean on in times of despair, thus destroying their hope of a better future except by obeying the Government. This is exactly what happened in China.
China is a very interesting country to observe. Ask any Chinese about his country and he will take massive pride in his past, in Confucius, in Sun Tzu, in Buddhism, the Great Wall, discovery of Silk and such. But ask him about Tiananmen Square protests, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tibet, the Cultural Revolution of Mao, and such and he will get angry. The surprise here for the free world, is that the anger will be directed towards the questioner and not the person/ruler responsible for the killings.
Did you know that in China, the habit of eating any creature resulted in a near extermination of milk producing cattle which led to a whole generation of people growing up without milk? For example in 1951 the region of Ningxia Hui had only 2 dairy cows. It was only after Holstein breed of cows were introduced in 1979 that the number of cows increased to 20,000 cows by the end of the ‘80s. ( You would have thought that they would have learnt a lesson – but that did not happen. Between 1958 and 1960 the gentlest of birds – the sparrows, were killed ruthlessly under a command from Mao during the Smash Sparrows Campaign. And surprisingly, the people participated in this horrid campaign whole-heartedly. Brainwashed people obviously. This resulted in the Great Chinese Famine (because of shortage of rice and grain production) and millions of people died. One of the side effects of this campaign was that that generation of people started eating any and every animal or bird which moved, in a bid to get rid of hunger because of the famine.
This should have made the people realize that playing with nature never helps and that there would be consequences for their actions. But this did not happen. The result was that when it then came to killing anyone who did not follow orders, people meekly accepted it. Tibet was traditionally a region separate from China, but China usurped the gentle Tibetan region, made them face umpteen hardships, and the world kept silent. Taiwan was a separate region from the Mainland, but they were forced to accept Chinese dominion. Hong Kong was another region ruled by the British, but when the lease expired, Hong Kong came under Chinese occupation. In recent times the people of Hong Kong have protested the Chinese occupation continuously, and have paid a heavy price for the same. During all these ruthless silencing of the citizens, the entire world kept quiet. And the Communist government of PRC kept the killing fields alive. And this happened in other countries as well where China wanted to take over business interests or political interests. For example, Naxalism in India which is responsible for killing our CRPF Jawans and innocent tribals, is thanks to the whole-hearted support from China.
The COVID 19 episode: Wuhan is one of the biggest cities of China. Many of the people here have their roots in Hong Kong. When the Chinese government allowed for exodus of people of other nationalities, they did not allow for the exodus of people from Hong Kong initially. Why? Was the virus used as an attempt to silence the Hong Kong protesters? If one were a keen observer one would realize that before February 2020, the Hong Kong protesters were very united and the Military had to be called in to quell the riots. But today, there is complete silence on that front. A population which is so cowed down as to accept death of its near and dear ones to contain a virus, is a population which has been pushed to the limits of its fear. And when that happens, when people are pushed to a wall from where there is no space to escape, Nature fights back. Sometimes people fight back too.
What has happened now is that China has indeed committed the flaw which may break that country. Every ruler/dictator/wrongdoer thinks that he is invincible and that he can beat death. But Father Time has proved this wrong, again and again. Almost every time it is the person closest to that ruler/dictator/wrongdoer who turns out to be whistle-blower who betrays/exposes him/her and is the cause of his/her death or end of rule. It takes just one person to listen to his/her conscience and realize the harm being caused. It takes just one person to grieve the death of his/her close one to such an extent that he/she takes avenges the death by betraying and destroying the wrongdoer. One of the conspiracy theories which is being spoken of in China today, points to the death of crores of people in order to silence young people who are frustrated by the lack of mates thanks to the one-child policy. Another one talks of bringing Hong Kong residents to their knees. Another theory talks of reducing the population of China to manage resources better. But this is not all. Millions of people outside China have been affected because of this biological weapon. China has overplayed its cards by sending faulty medical instruments, survival kits, masks, etc to affected countries. It is difficult to believe that not one of the affected countries will strike back.
China in recent times has put scores of countries in a debt trap by offering to help in developing those nations and their infrastructural facilities. While doing so, they insisted on use of their material and their people. That is why one finds millions of Chinese nationality people all over the globe where China has a financial interest. One of the striking features of the Chinese settlement in other countries is that they too tend to stay aloof from the people of that country and follow ghettoization. They form their own China–towns where they also have their own law and rules to be followed. Much like the Islamic people whom they seem to hate so much! Reports are now flowing in how these Chinese immigrants helped in the spread of COVID 19 via the “Hug a Chinese” theme in Italy or the “Chinese New Year” celebrations in New York, for example. Both these events happened in February when the virus had already ravaged their country and the establishment was keeping this news under wraps. As of today, there cannot be another country which is working at this level to weaken the whole world, even at the sacrifice of its own people. It is plain inhuman and has to be stopped in its tracks.
The capitalist countries of the world definitely are no angels and they have wreaked havoc on the poor countries of the world. Today they are making a noise about the Corona Virus only because it has affected them the most. This is where I feel that Nature has taken over. While China may have plotted it, the actual effect of the same has been that Nature has made sure that mankind had to take a pause. And that is why I have hope that all the countries will get together to understand the message that Nature has given us and stop China and the Communist regime in its tracks. The Third World countries too have to also make their voice heard – if one is silent because one is not affected directly, it is just a matter of time when others will be silent when only you are affected. The World over has been silent in the past when people were exterminated in the World Wars, through covert wars, through Terrorism, through medical trials and more. The World over has been silent when Mother Earth was exploited, nay raped, by the greedy industrialists. The World over has been silent when species after species have become extinct because of the greed of man for food and/or luxuries. This time if the World remains silent, we may not get another chance to speak. So speak up for the survival of man, speak up for the survival of Nature. Defeat both the viruses – COVID 19 & COMMUNISM. It is time the people of China too got back to their roots of Buddhism which believed in “Live and Let Live”. It is time for a true Cultural Revolution all over the World and for the Hindu belief of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” (the World is One family) to flourish.
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