After meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi, Congress leader Jyotiraditya Scindia resigned from the party. According to reports, Scindia’s supporting MLAs and office bearers are also resigning. Congress leaders in Gwalior-Chambal region are submitting en masse resignations in support of Scindia.
With Jyotiraditya Scindia resigning from the party, the political crisis has deepened in Madhya Pradesh. The Kamal Nath-led Congress Government is on the verge of collapse in Madhya Pradesh.
As Governor Lalji Tandon will reach Bhopal by this evening, political observers say, the situation will be completely clear by the evening.
“To reflect and realise the aspirations of my people and my workers I believe it is best that I now look ahead at a fresh start,” Jyotiraditya Scindia said in his resignation letter.
Meanwhile, Congress said, the party has confirmed the ‘expulsion’ of Jyotiraditya Scindia from the party! Congress general secretary KC Venugopal said, “The Congress President has approved the ‘expulsion’ of Jyotiraditya Scindia from the Indian National Congress with immediate effect for anti-party activities.”
Here’s what Scindia said in his resignation letter
“Dear Mrs Gandhi,
Having been a primary member of the Congress Party for the last 18 years, it is now time for me to move on. I am tendering my resignation from the primary membership of the Indian National Congress and as you well know, this is a path that has been drawing itself out over the last year.
While my aim and purpose remain the same as it has always been from the very beginning, to serve the people of my state and country, I believe I am unable to do this anymore within this party.
To reflect and realise the aspirations of my people and my workers I believe it is best that I now look ahead at a fresh start.
I would like to thank you and through you all my party colleages for providing me with a platform to have served the nation.
Sincerely yours,
Jyotiradtiya M. Scindia”