BJP national general secretary Shri Ram Madhav paying tribute to P. Parameshwaran Ji in Bengaluru
Bengaluru: A condolence meeting was organised on February 23 in remembrance of the late P. Parameshwaran, senior RSS Pracharak and director of Bharatheeya Vichara Kendram, who passed away on February 9, 2020. The meeting was graced by the national general secretary of BJP Shri Ram Madhav, Sah Sampark Pramukh of Kerala Prant Shri Ka Ba Surendran and Sah Sampark Pramukh of Karnataka Dakshin Prant Shri Devanand Gaddam.
Paying tribute Shri Ram Madhav said Parameshwaran ji’s life was fully devoted to the nation. “Shri Krishna says in Srimad Bhagavat Gita that everyone who is born will have to die one day, which is inevitable. Still, when some people leave us, the impact and shock it creates are very high. Some lives cannot be replaced by anyone else in the world. Parameshwaran Ji was such a person. Parameshwaran Ji dedicated his whole life to the people. It was not partial his entire life was devoted to the Sangh by all means. Having lived for the Sangh as a swayamsevak among us, 70 years out of his long and eventful 93 years was dedicated to the Sangh. Parameshwaran Ji was the best person to speak about the greatness of Sangh and in his own experience,” said Ram Madhav said. He further said: “Only his body has parted from us, but his ideas and thoughts will continue to thrive in Sangh. Each and every swayamsevak will be guided by his life and thoughts in the path forward.”
Shri Ka Ba Surendran recalled the time during which Parameshwaran ji came to Kerala and the importance of the same. It was a time when the Communists were growing both in strength and politically. It was during the tough times that Parameshwaran ji led and guided the Sangh in Kerala. His contribution is unparalleled and he lives in the hearts and minds of every swayamsevak.
Surendran ji recalled several instances from the life of Parameshwaran ji which showed his presence of mind and ability to make quick decisions. He narrated how Parameshwaran ji used to remember everyone despite meeting them after many years. Such was his memory. He had great relationship with people from all walks of life including leaders from various political parties and ideologies. He said how Parameshwaran ji had good contacts with EMS Namboodiripad and Congress leaders too. His thoughts, writings and work were recognised and applauded by even his ideological opponents. It is rare to see such people in real life, recounted Surendra Ji.