Arunachal Pradesh Assembly goes paperless – Implements National e-Vidhan Application in a big boost to Digital India initiative

Arunachal Pradesh Assembly goes paperless - Implements National e-Vidhan Application in a big boost to Digital India initiative

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In a big boost to the Digital India initiative of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Arunachal Pradesh Assembly goes paperless in all its processdings. This has become possible after the state assembly implemented the National e-vidhan application in the house. The initiative will make all the proceedings in the house paperless.
Announcing the path-breaking initiative, Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh Pema Khandu said that the move is expected to bring benefits to not only the environment but also that of the functioning of the Legislatively Assembly. This will provide better decision making which also be quicker, he said.
However, Assembly Speaker PD Sona said that though the e-vidhan application has started functioning, the Assembly proceedings will go fully paperless from the next session as all the members are not acquainted with the new technology. The members will be trained on its use in the coming days.
About National e-Vidhan Application
National e-Vidhan Application enables the state assemblies to digitize their functioning, including decisions, debates and bills under consideration.
The e-Vidhan application is a device neutral and member centric application created to equip them to handle diverse House Business smartly by putting entire information regarding member contact details, rules of procedure, list of business, notices, bulletins, bills, starred/unstarred questions and answers, papers laid, committee reports etc. in their hand held devices/ tablets and equip all Legislatures/ Departments to handle it efficiently.
Himachal Pradesh in 2015 was the first state in India to have gone paperless.
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