A plea has been filed in the Delhi High court by Advocate Sanjiv Kumar seeking FIRs to be filed against anti-Modi activist Harsh Mander, Islamist RJ Sayema, rent-a-cause activist Swara Bhaskar, AAP MLA Amanatullah Khan for sedition and inciting Muslims and Non-Muslims to wage Civil Disobedience and wage war against Indian Union. Kkumar seeks FIR under Section 295A, Section 153, Section 153A, Section 504, Section 505 and Section 506 Indian Penal Code against the others, reports BarandBench.
The plea is infact a ‘impleadment application’ over the petition filed by Harsh Mander to register FIR against Union Minister Anurag Thakur and BJP Leaders Kapil Mishra. Apart from seeking registration of FIRs, Kkumar also seeks a direction to National Investigation Agency to conduct Investigation into Delhi Riots.
Advocate Kkumar’s plea states:
“Harsh Mander and his ilk, along with Some Political Parties Leaders, Pseudo Liberals Tukde Tukde Gang hatched a sinister plan to create unrest during President Trump Trip to India on 24th and 25th February 2020. They were knowing that Security apparatus will be stretched and thus here come the sinister plan.”
The application also states,
“Are we under British Rule? Is Mr Mander Mahatma Gandhi? Present Govt is democratically elected by WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA and Mr Harsh Mander wants to overthrow the Constitutionally Elected Govt. That, now CAA Act is passed, WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA would like to know if Mr Harsh Mander has become Muslim. Nevertheless, Mr Harsh Mander tweet was seditious and was clearly to incite Muslims and Non Muslims to wage Civil Disobedience and wage war against Indian Union and there is nothing Civil about Civil Disobedience(Its Gory, Bloody, Revolutionary and Uprising against Union of India)…”
A Division Bench of Chief Justice DN Patel and Justice C Hari Shankar is scheduled to hear Harsh Mander’s plea today.