After Delhi police Head Constable Ratan Lal was murdered by a Jihadi mob, IB officer Ankit Sharma has been killed by Islamists backed by the ruling AAP leader.
IB officer Ankit Sharma, who was only 26, was brutally hacked to death and his body thrown in the drain yesterday. His body was found today after a search operation was launched by the police and fire department.
In reports that have emerged since his death, role of AAP leader and local councilor Tahir Hussain has become apparent in the murder of Ankit Sharma.
Blaming him for his murder, Ankit’s family has alleged that there was firing from a ‘local AAP leader’s building rooftop. Ankit Sharma was safeguarding people when he was targeted and hacked to death. His body was then buried in a drain, said Ankit Sharma’s brother.
Subsequently, videos of the said firing from a building allegedly belonging to AAP leader Tahir Hussain have emerged. It is clear from the video evidence that Islamist goons were firing from the top of the building on people on the ground. This was the same place Ankit was last found say sources.
Tahir Hussain’s name has also emerged prominently in the investigations over Islamic mob attacks in various parts of Delhi. Another AAP leader and MLA Amanatullah Khan’s name too had emerged in connection with the investigation over mobilizing Muslim mobs to riot under the garb of opposing CAA.
AAP leader Tahir Hussain is alleged to be behind the mob that killed IB officer Ankit Sharma
Delhi CM and AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal has feigned ignorance over the involvement of AAP leaders in Delhi riots when most reports prove their involvement. Delhi CM who has hoped that the city recovers from the damage will do the country a favor by reining in his unruly Muslim leaders and councilors who seem to be bent upon burning the city down.