Anti-Modi activist who is known for shaming India and Hindus, has now surfaced in Shaheen Bagh and is seen tutoring the protestors there on the questions to be asked to the SC appointed interlocutors.
In a video shot on the location and shared by BJP IT Cell head Amit Malviya which has gone viral on social media, Setalvad is seen ‘coaching’ the agitators on counter questions to be posed before the mediation panel. The SC had appointed a 3-member interlocutor panel which includes senior advocate Sanjay Hegde, advocate Sadhana Ramachandran and former chief information commissioner Wajahat Habibullah for mediations over location change with the protestors.
In the video, the volunteer along with Setalvad is heard telling the protestors these are the questions they need to ask the interlocutors. “When you are asked something, then you ask these counter questions. You dont have to say anything on your own,” a volunteer tells the protestors with Teesta Setalvad correcting her at the back. Setalvad re-iterates the need for these questions.
The counter questions that were read out aloud at the protest venue were:
Q1: Will changing the venue of protests weaken the stir?
Q2: Who will take responsibility for the safety of women protestors after the venue is changed?
Q3: What do we have to say about the road blockade?
Q4: Will opening the road help the situation partly?
Q5: Will changing the colour of the Shaheen Bagh protests weaken the movement or end it?
It is now clear that every anti-Modi and anti-National elements are using the protests against CAA to target Modi and India. This attempt to coach questions to the protestors is seen as an attempt to scuttle the process of mediation.
Teesta Setalvad is well known for cooking up cases against PM Modi and Amit Shah over the 2002 riots which had become a cottage industry feeding many activists like her.