A new video that surfaced on social media flattened the Islamo-Leftist propaganda that Delhi police caned innocent students in Jamia Milia Islamia University library. In the new video, it can be clearly seen that a student with a stone in his hand is urging ‘students’ from outside to enter the library.
The new video from the night of December 15, 2019 shows ‘students’ of the Jamia Milia Islamia University entering the library with stones in their hands before the Delhi Police took action against those present in the room.
Earlier, the Islamists and Leftists propagated an edited video of 49-second length that showed men in police uniforms caning ‘students’ ‘studying’ in the library. The doctored video was released by the Jamia Coordination Committee (JCC). The new video depicts events that occurred prior to police action in the library, justifying the stand of the Delhi police.
In December, the Jamia protests against CAA had turned out to be violent riots. The rioters had shouted Allah-o-Akbar and Naara-e-Taqbeer and burnt four DTC buses, 100 private vehicles and 10 police bikes and pelted stones, injuring several policemen.