India on Saturday slammed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an’s comments on Jammu and Kashmir during his visit to Pakistan. India warned Erdo?an not to interfere in India’s internal matters and advised him to develop a proper understanding of the facts.
In a statement, Indian foreign ministry spokesman Raveesh Kumar said Jammu and Kashmir is an “integral and inalienable part of India.”
“We call upon the Turkish leadership to not interfere in India’s internal affairs and develop a proper understanding of the facts, including the grave threat posed by terrorism emanating from Pakistan to India and the region,” he said.
India’s reaction came in response to Turkish president’s references to Jammu and Kashmir in his speech at the Pakistan National Assembly and a joint press event with Pakistan prime minister Imran Khan in Islamabad.
“Kashmiri brothers have been living under difficult circumstances over the years, but the recent unilateral steps of India have added to their woes and the situation there has become alarming. Depriving Kashmiris of their freedom and usurping their rights is not in anybody’s interest,” Erdogan said in his speech.