Shri Mohan Bhagwat releasing ‘Param Vani’ in the presence of Pujya Swami Vijayendra Saraswati and others
Chennai: RSS Sarsanghachalak Shri Mohan Bhagwat inaugurated a collection of 56 paintings on the life and teaching of Kanchi Mahaswami and released ‘Param Vani’, the Hindi version of ‘Deivathin Kural’. The function was held at Kanchi Mahaswami Vidya Mandir near Tambaram on January 21. Shri Omkarananda Swami also graced the occasion. Shri RA Sankara Narayanan, M.D and CEO of Canara Bank, was the Guest of Honour.
The paintings portray the stiff challenges faced by Kanchi Mahaswami right in his early days, his travel across length and breadth of the country by foot, contribution in rekindling patriotism among the masses and a spirit of service. His simple way of living which was a constant penance for the welfare of the poor and all sections of the society brought solace and inspiration to many. His amazing knowledge on a wide range of ancient and modern subjects with an ability to narrate in simple language understood by all has made the collection of his lectures in Tamil, ‘Deivathin Kural’ a treasure of knowledge. It has inspired many people to dedicate themselves to the cause of Dharma. Sri Kanchi Mahaswami Trust has already translated ‘Deivathin Kural’ in English, Marathi and Kannada. In another major milestone, the trust released the Hindi version, ‘Param Vani’.
Shri Mohan Bhagwat said the Mahaswami symbolised Sanatan Dharma and guided many people through his life. All the great saints of this land did not just preach but exemplified by living what they preached. When Swami Vivekananda asked him if he had seen God, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa said, ‘Yes, I have seen God as I see you now!’. Harmony is established when everyone lives in harmony. This philosophy of the world is the same. Harmony occurs when everyone is in harmony. We all have to live and guide the generations to come accordingly.
“After realising the spiritual truths, examine them several times, and then stay with the same. Spirituality is the soul of India. Dharma guides us to realise God. The integrated education system is the perfect combination of spiritual education and modern education. In today’s context, such integrated education is essential. This will strengthen the mental and physical faculties of the students. There is no doubt that this educational institution, which provides integrated education, has a great future. Everything is progressing in this world. Improvement should not affect nature. Sometimes the Dharma seems like Adharma and Adharma appears as Dharma. It is necessary for spiritual enlightenment to distinguish and understand what is right,” he said.
RSS Sarsanghachalak Shri Mohan Bhagwat released six books at Chennai Sangh Karyalaya on pride of Tamizh Bharat. The books are in various categories including Spiritual Gurus, Freedom Fighters, Matri Shakti, Poets and Scholars, Artists, Science and Mathematicians. The first copy of the ‘Pride of Tamil Nadu’ was received by Shri Gopal Srinivasan.
Pujyasri Vijayendra Saraswati Swamiji said: “The connect between Sri Sankara Mutt and RSS is profound. The sage advice of Paramacharya guided Shri Guruji Golwalkar. RSS administers thousands of educational institutions in far-off villages, hilly areas and other parts of the country, thereby teaching patriotism and devotion. Integrated education system will spread across the country. We must spread our national pride, with a focus on the economy, science, humanity, nature, culture, heritage, and mother tongue.”
Earlier, Shri Bombay Sankar, head of the Mahaswami Trust that runs the school, elaborated on the school’s activities, inspired by the benign grace of Kanchi Mahaswami. Shri Bhagwat also felicitated Priyavrata Patil, a 16-year-old lad who achieved a great feat in Vyakarna Shastra studies by clearing all 14 tests in Tenali Maha Pariksha. He had completed it in two years which is usually completed in seven years.
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