BJP Kerala State Secretary AK Nazeer was brutally attacked while he was offering namaz at a mosque in Idukki district’s Thookkupalam. After the attack, he was rushed to a nearby hopsital where he is currently undergoing treatment.
Members of the radical Islamist outfit PFI-SDPI unleashed a brutal attack on AK Nazeer after he entered the Juma Masjid. He came to the mosque after the ‘Jana Jagrutha’ rally, an awareness programme conducted by the BJP to explain the Citizenship (Amendment) Act to the public.
While speaking to media, AK Nazeer said that he was kicked from behind and then assaulted with furniture for over 15 minutes after which the Imam of the mosque intervened and rescued.
Following the passage of CAA, several BJP workers have been attacked in Kerala. Moreover, those who support CAA, have been facing widespread social discrimination especially in Muslim dominated areas of the state.