Two gunmen shot a Police officer dead in Tamil Nadu at the Padanthalumoodu check-post near Kerala border last night. Vincent Wilson, the 56-year-old deceased Sub-Inspector was checking an SUV (TN 57 AW 1559). The vehicle reportedly entered Kanyakumari district around 10 pm.
Following the incident, the police have sounded a high alert in the state border areas. The Tamil Nadu police suspect that the assailants headed towards Kerala. The probe is on in both Kerala and Tamil Nadu to nab the assailants.
The Tamil Nadu police have identified two Kanyakumari natives, namely Thowfeek and Abdul Shameem, with criminal background in connection with the attack.
However, police are yet to identify the motive behind the murder of the officer, who had earlier worked with the Special Task Force (STF). As per the local media reports, the agencies are also looking at the possible involvement of terrorist groups in the incident.