Bhartiya Shiksha Samiti calls for clear cut policy for recognition and affiliation of private schools in J&K

Bhartiya Shiksha Samiti calls for clear cut policy for recognition and affiliation of private schools in the Union Territory of J&K

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Bhartiya Shiksha Samiti J&K (Regd.) is the State Unit of Vidya Bharti which is running 36 schools in Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh UTs. Most of the schools are located in remote areas like Kishtwar, Doda, Leh & Kargil Districts. At present more than 9000 students are studying in our Schools under the able guidance of 600 teachers working with missionary zeal. It provides quality education based on our rich culture along with state and central government prescribed syllabi. All our teachers work with missionary zeal and thus provide a healthy educational and cultural atmosphere to the parents and society in general.
Vidya Bharti Akhil Bhartiya Shiksha Sansthan is the largest non-governmental Organization in the field of Education running more than 12000 educational institutions along with 13000 non-formal educational institutions, in which 32 lakh students are studying under the able guidance of 1.5 lakh teachers all over the country.
Bhartiya Shiksha Samiti provides training to in-service teachers especially Vedic Mathematics, Sanskrit, Physical Education, Yog, Sangeet etc. in addition to all main subjects. It organizes sports & cultural programmes along with Science exhibitions/programmes from school level to state level with the help of Society, UT & other Central government departments /agencies.
In a press conference on 21 December, addressed by President of Bhartiya Shiksha Samiti and other office bearers highlighted their demands which are as follows:
1) That, in the absence of a clear cut policy, we are facing innumerous problems with regard to establishment of new school, upgradation of schools’ recognition and affiliation renewal of already recognized schools besides obtaining different types of NOC’s. Hence, there is a need for clear cut policy in this regard with the issuance of guidelines for all processes. We also demand that permanent recognition shall be granted to those schools which have completed 10 years of recognition/ affiliation). Besides, Affiliation committee meetings must be held in a month or two so that schools may not suffer. One time affiliation fee may be fixed by the Education Board instead of yearly fees.
2) That, Recognition/Affiliation process & Inspections of schools is a very tedious process due to involvement of multiple agencies and offline procedures. Owing to this lot of time and energy is wasted. Hence, it should be made easier with the introduction of online process and entrusted to only one agency so that the process is completed in time bound manner. Further, Accountability may be fixed for all officers of the concerned Deptts.
3) That, the procedure with regard to recognition, affiliation and other related matters is not defined or made available in public domain which is causing lot of hardships. We demand that a help desk and grievance redressal cell be established in J&K Board, State Education Office and Director Education office to help the societies/ schools for recognition/affiliation process. Further, all the information regarding the functioning of schools like recognition, affiliation, circulars, govt. orders may be pasted on the official website of the department as and when issued.
4) That, administration is discriminating between government schools and the schools run by the societies. It should end forthwith. We demand that Societies be given a free hand in preparing their own school calendar (academic, examination, vacations and other activities). And, the Representatives of societies be included/ given due share in any council/workshop/meetings in making policies of state education and in framing rules and regulations for running the schools. Also, vacations shall not be announced in haste but in consultation with the stakeholders.
5) That, the teachers of schools run by Societies are not been included in the teacher training workshops by State Institute of Education (SIE) and District Institute of Education & Training (DIET). Hence, we demand that teachers of schools run by Societies shall also be included in such workshops for enhancing their skills for the betterment of teaching practice.
6) That prerequisite conditions like land, building, staff and other infrastructure for obtaining recognition/affiliation for schools in remote and backward areas of UT are kept at par with Municipal areas which cannot be fulfilled easily owing to which children of such areas remain deprived of quality education. Hence, we demand relaxation in school infrastructure and important facilities for running schools in these areas.
7) That, no advanced intimation is provided to the schools with regard to inspection for extension in recognition. And, also cumbersome process of preparing huge number of files is followed which amounts to harassment and nothing else. So, we demand that recognized schools should be inspected for extension in recognition with advance information to the concerned. Besides, on spot assessment report should be considered for extension in recognition and not by the system of preparing huge files.
8) Simple procedure of inspection may be framed, a new format of inspection report be designed. All the records be checked by the inspection team and report of the same be submitted with remarks, instead of piling of huge files.
9) That, the counter signature of results, TCs & other documents may be given to the principals of concerned schools.
10) Process of different types of NOC’s be made easier. Inspection team report may be treated as final or the authority be given to concerned Block/Zonal/District officers.
NOC Traffic- Schools which have no vehicle/s be exempted from obtaining such NOC’s. Schools having their own vehicles be directed to get the NOC from ARTO/ Local/District officers if necessary. At present most of the schools are unable to get the NOC because the authorities demand the land 4 kanals for Primary school, 8 kanals for Middle school & 15 kanals for High & Higher secondary schools which has no concern with Traffic Department.
NOC from F & ES and Noise Pollution– It becomes difficult for the schools in remote and far flung areas of J&K UT to visit UT headquarters’ of PCB and F&ES department repeatedly. Therefore, Issuing authority be made zonal/District officer for convenience & smooth functioning of schools in such inaccessible areas. Chemical Safety Certificate: Authority be given to Principal/Senior Science Teacher nearest Higher Secondary School or Zonal Education Officer instead of Revenue Officials.
Press Conference was addressed by Sh. Ved Bhushan Sharma- President of Bhartiya Shiksha Samiti, Sh. Pradip Kumar – Organizing Secretary, Sh. Satish Mittal – Treasurer, Dr. Vivek Sharma- Prachar Prabhari.
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