Dakshin Banga Prant unit of the Hindu Jagran Manch has strongly condemned the killing of Hindus in West Bengal and no action against the culprits by the local administration. In a press statement on December 3, the Hindu Jagran Manch said that there is a daily report of Hindus being killed, attacked and assaulted in all parts of West Bengal. “We condemn this open attack on the Hindus of West Bengal. No Hindu is safe in this state and it requires immediate attention from our Legislators and Government of India. If urgent steps are not taken there is bound to be another situation like that of Kashmir where Hindus had been made refugees in their own country,” the statement jointly issued by president Sri Ashutosh Mandal, general secretary Tushar Tikadar and secretary Uttam Adhikari.
The statement mentions the killing of RSS Nagar Karyavah Bir Bahadur Singh in Metiabruz area on December 2, 2019 at around 9.50 am. Bir Bahadur Singh was shot at by the miscreants backed by Sadruddin Ansari, Rahmat Alam Ansari who had been threatening him for last few months to leave RSS as well as the area he resides in. Father of Bir Bahadur Singh lodged a written complaint with the Garden Reach Police Station on December 2, but the police authorities intentionally did not take into account the written complaint lodged by him. On the contrary the police registered FIR in the name of unknown accused person, whereas in the letter of complaint as well the statement of the victim names of Sadruddin Ansari and Rahmat Alam Ansari, latter who happens to be the Councillor of Ward 137 of KMC had been specifically mentioned along with Sanju Singh and Sanjit Singh.
Earlier, on April 12, 2019, Yogendar Yadav of Metiabruz area was assaulted by Md. Hasan Imam, Sadruddin Ansari aka Munna, of Masjid Talab area. Again on November 12, 2019 Gita Devi was assaulted. Since last few months there was police picket in and around the house of Bir Bahadur Singh. Despite several complaints as well as police picketing, Bir Bahadur Singh was shot in broad daylight. There has been a continuous attack upon the Hindus to leave the area and for the same, they have been continuously threatened and are living under immense fear of life.
“It has been noticed that throughout the state of West Bengal attacks upon the Hindus are on the rise and they are living in fear. The Hindus in West Bengal are not feeling safe, whereas the forces causing such incidents are appeased by their political bosses for fulfilling their political vendetta. This incident is a glaring example of what extent the law and order situation in the State of West Bengal has totally failed. The police authorities, as well as the administration, are sitting as a mute spectator and not taking action against the forces causing such incidents and day by day the law and order situation in the state of West Bengal is going from bad to worse. It is the duty of the administration and the State Government to ensure the right to free life, safety and security of the people of West Bengal,” the statement said.
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