After giving nightmares for Mamata Banerjee in the general elections by winning 18 Lok Sabha seats, the BJP has not rested on its laurels. The party’s election machinery seems to be already working intently for the 2021 assembly elections. Mamata’s TMC which received a rude shock in the Lok Sabha elections received further jolts after prominent memebrs of its party joined BJP today.
Two Trinamool MLA’s, a CPM legislator joined the Bharatiya Janata Party in the presence of BJP General Secretary Kailash Vijayvargiya. 50 councilors also joined BJP at the same venue. Among those who joined BJP include TMC legislator Tushar Bhattacharya and Mukul Roy’s son Shubhra Shunu.
Kailash Vijayvargiya has said that more TMC leaders and legislators will be joining BJP in phases. “Like the elections were held in seven phases in West Bengal, joinings in BJP will also happen in seven phases. Today was just the first phase.” , he quipped while addressing the press. It can be recalled that PM Modi too during his campaing in WB had claimed that more than 40 MLAs were in touch with BJP and would join BJP.
BJP leader Mukul Roy said that the TMC has not learned anything from the losses in the elections and is continuing with the politics of intimidation and murder. He said that two more workers associated with the BJP have been murdered after the results were declared on 23rd May. “Many of our workers had been murdered during the campaign phase. We do not believe in the politics of violence, but the TMC does not seem to shy away from continuing with the same”, he said.
Tweet of Sunil Deodhar, National Secretary of BJP
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