Electronic Voting Machines Vs Election Venom Marketers
Electronic Voting Machines Vs Election Venom Marketers
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May 23, 2019, 01:06 pm IST
Crime against the EVMs by opportunist self-seeking political Jagirdars need a careful evaluation in order to understand the motives of all those who had been meticulously planning not only to tarnish the Indian democratic system but create anarchy through their nefarious plans for their own vested interests.
– Prof. Kapil Kumar
Electronic Voting Machines Vs Election Venom Marketers
Plan I of targeting the PM failed for not only the people sided with the Chowkidar but declared themselves as Chowkidars so much so that a chowkidarin made the dynastic prince run away to Wayanad. This proved a point that the Indian voters cannot be taken for granted by the anarchists to accept the fake news, videos and by those who spit venom supporting the Barbadiwalas and Tukde Gangs. This Plan I of defaming the Prime Minister by all the corrupt who had ganged together failed miserably.
Hence, Plan II was simultaneously operationalised at two levels – one to create a fear of psyche and thus attempt caste and communal coalitions, the second part included questioning the Indian defence forces and attributing personal motives behind the bold and strong actions of the Prime Minister. Again they underestimated the nationalism of the Indian voters and the plan not only miserably fail but further strengthened the Prime Minister as could be seem from the enthusiasm of the people.
And now came the Plan III to defame and demolish the entire election process – the last tactic to be used. The target was the innocent EVM who cannot even speak for itself. This conspiracy attempted to demolish the credibility of the Election Commission with all strengths aggressively after the Exit Poll results declared NDA victory. Interestingly, no Exit Poll was based on the EVMs. So questioning the EVMs after the Exit Poll demonstrates the mental bankruptcy of these conspirators who totally undermine the intelligence of Indian voters and believe that the people of India will stand behind the anarchists.
This operation consisted making fake videos, planting fake news, write-ups and media reporting by Barbadiwala supporters – the paid journalists, anarchists and all those opposition leaders already involved in variety of scams. The mockery of this operation is exposed through the very fact that all news that came of voters being forced inside the booth by the goons is of no concern for these venomous conspirators; no concerns for the violation perpetuated on voters in West Bengal, etc. etc. The muscle power champions want to go back to the old Ballot paper system through which they had ruled this country by booth capturing and so on. While accusing the EVMs, they have lost even their common sense. Any voter who pressed the button saw the symbol on the screen where the vote had gone and no complaint had come in this regard. So now what to do? Fake videos and stories floated of EVMs being changed through fake websites and some paid journalists along with write-ups and tweets by the academic terrorists. But this too has failed to work in their favour as the people themselves came forward to expose this manipulative conspiracy.
EVMs and results were correct in all early elections, particularly where the opposition won the elections. In this regard, the most laughable argument is given by Rashid Alvi that in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh elections, the EVMs were manipulated to make Congress win in order to hide the manipulation in the national elections. If the EVMs have been manipulated then how come these oppositions’ spokespersons while denouncing the Exit Polls on the media channels are so confident of their victory in the final count on 23rd May, 2019? How come Akhilesh Yadav rings Mamta Banerjee and says he will win 50 seats in UP? How come the spokespersons shouting that Modi is packing; he will be behind bars and are ushering all kinds of threats? Is this respect for democracy? Well it can’t be expected from those who supported emergency and butchered democracy during emergency or those who talk of bloody revolution?
With the Plan III falling to ground what is now Plan IV being envisaged by the dynastic slaves and anarchists along with the corrupt leaders fighting their last battle of survival?
Opposition complained to the SC and the ECI, only to be rejected by both. SC asked the oppostion to respect peoples mandate
This is where the Indian people have to be extremely conscious and prove to the world that the Indians too consider ‘Nation-First’. This Plan IV is aimed at generating violent riots, blood-shed and anarchy as some among them have already started shouting civil war. Already, the most privileged and luxurious life leading, self-nominated champions of minorities propagate mass migration. Many Congress leaders like Siddhu, Mani Shankar Iyer, Chidambaram, etc. had been out creating such fears and hatred. This is clearly moving in a direction of the agenda set by those who talk of Ghazva-ai-Hind set up the ISI and ISIS. The very fact that they roam free to spit Venom demonstrates the tolerance of the Indian stake and as far as the fear part is concerned, I can say that it has evaporated so much that even Maya Bahanji is not afraid of Yadavs in UP.
By issuing open threats of civil war and anarchy again speak volumes about their faith in Indian Constitution and democracy. Let me say that they should not test the nationalism of the Indian people and the people’s commitment to democracy. Gone are the days of dynastic rule and feudalism and the people have answered them by the greatest weapon i.e. their vote. Let these anarchists not test the patience of Indian women, men and youth. The opposition has seen the results of questioning Balakot, the rubbish on Rafale, abuses on the Prime Minister and should learn from this the answer Indians will give to their call for civil war.
Conducting the largest election in the world is not a joke and the Election Commission of India needs to be congratulated for this gigantic operation notwithstanding the anarchists’ pressures. Its rejection of the opposition’s unjust demand in relation to EVMs and VVPATs is not only condemnable but goes a long way in protecting the Indian democratic system.
It is a welcome sign that many among the polling officers are not only vouching that the EVMs are correct but are also expressing their anguish in the social media on the wild allegations being made by the opposition which reflect on their integrity.
In fact, all officials and staff associated in the conduct of this historic elections need to be complimented for their hard, self-less and dedicated work to strengthen the pillars of Indian democracy.
The microscopic minority of the corrupt and anarchists, in spite of its nefarious actions will never succeed in India how so much foreign backing they may receive. The Indian democratic system will continue to flourish and strengthen itself contrary to the conspiracies of these Election Venom Marketers.
(Author is Director of Centre for Freedom Struggle & Diaspora Studies and Chairperson of Faculty of History School of Social Sciences at IGNOU, New Delhi)
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