Shiksharthis at the inaugural session of the Varg Vellore: The 20-day long annual Sangh Siksha Varga of North Tamil Nadu was inaugurated by director of Narayani Shakti Peetam (renowned Golden Temple), Sripuram, Shri Suresh Babu on April 21. He said the training camp would impart both Daiva Bhakti and Desh Bhakti. Daiva Bhakti would help in moulding the character and Desh Bhakti would help in loving fellow citizens and render social service to them. He informed that the training camp has the bless
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May 2, 2019, 12:17 pm IST
Shiksharthis at the inaugural session of the Varg
Vellore: The 20-day long annual Sangh Siksha Varga of North Tamil Nadu was inaugurated by director of Narayani Shakti Peetam (renowned Golden Temple), Sripuram, Shri Suresh Babu on April 21. He said the training camp would impart both Daiva Bhakti and Desh Bhakti. Daiva Bhakti would help in moulding the character and Desh Bhakti would help in loving fellow citizens and render social service to them. He informed that the training camp has the blessings of Poojya Swami Narayani Amma of Narayani Shakti Peetam.
RSS Sah Prant Karyavah Shri A Ramakrishna Prasad explained the purpose of the Varga, which is to bring out internal beauty (talents, good qualities, etc) in each and everyone undergoing the training. He said as we pay more prices for anything that is pure like pure cotton, pure silk, pure ghee etc., each trainee should pay a high price for developing a pure mind by way of whole-hearted participation in the activities from early morning to night on all the 20 days. Since mind is both a best friend and a worst enemy, as stated by Shri Krishna in Gita, the training will concentrate on making the mind a best friend in respect of all the trainees.
A total of 175 shiksharthis, drawn from various places of North Tamil Nadu and from all walks of life including students, businessmen and professionals are participating in the Camp. Vellore Zilla Sanghachalak Shri Jagadeesan is the Vargh Adhikari. Kshetra Karyavah Shri S Rajendran was also present.
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