Attempt to distort history of the Gorakhnath temple exposed by TrueIndology

@TrueIndology exposes yet another attempt to distort history of the Gorakhnath temple and land by an anti-Hindu journalist   @TrueIndology exposed an attempt to distort history of the Gorakhnath temple and land by an anti-Hindu journalist&n

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@TrueIndology exposes yet another attempt to distort history of the Gorakhnath temple and land by an anti-Hindu journalist
@TrueIndology exposed an attempt to distort history of the Gorakhnath temple and land by an anti-Hindu journalist
A known anti-Modi and pro-Islam journalist had tweeted that “Land on which Gorakhnath temple(Adityanath is its ’Mahant’ or head-priest) stands was granted by a Muslim ruler,Nawab Asaf-ud-Daula of Awadh. He granted land to this Imambada too.” in a bid to undermine Yogi Adityanath and the Hindu history of the Gorakhnath temple. Though this is not the first time that the liberals are trying to undermine Hindu heritage and the journalist in question who also works for the Leftist portal Wire has been consistent in offending Hindu sensibilities. Her claim about the Gorakhnath temple was demolished by @TrueIndology in a series of tweets which also exposed the false narrative set by the liberal journalists.
Gorakhnath temple has a recorded history of at least 800 years. The temple existed even before Nawab Asaf-Ud-Daulah was born in 18th century. How could the Nawab grant land for construction of a temple that existed for hundreds of years before his own birth? Fake news! Gorakhnath temple is much older than the Nawab. It was believed to be established by Gorakhnath himself. Whatever the case, the temple was already destroyed by Khilji in 13th century,meaning it already existed by then. From “Gorakhnath and the Kanphata Yogis” by George W Briggs.
Excerpt from “Gorakhnath and the Kanphata Yogis” by George W Briggs (Image from @TrueIndology)
Far from being built on the land donated by Nawab Asaf-Ud-Daulah, the Gorakhpur Imambada itself was built on a former temple site. Following Cunnigham’s Archaeological survey of India, Sita Ram Goel lists the Imambada among former temple sites in his book “Hindu temples”.
Excerpt from Cunnigham’s Archaeological survey of India (Image from @TrueIndology)
Although the Shia Nawab Asaf Ud Daulah ruled Awadh, he had his heart beating for Iraq. He siphoned off millions of local taxpayer money to develop Iraq. Used taxpayer money to make Iraq deserts bloom for convenience of Shia Pilgrims.This is a large sum amounting to 40% of revenue.
Excerpts from the book “Roots of North Indian Shiism in Iran and Iraq” by JRI Cole (Image from @TrueIndology)
Screenshots of the above tweet have been excerpted from the book “Roots of North Indian Shiism in Iran and Iraq” by JRI Cole (University of California Press 1988). There is not a single record or inscription which indicates that Nawab donated land for Gorakhpur temple. The only “source” of this claim is a recently fabricated spurious local myth that Nawab met Gorakhnath. This is false since Gorakhnath lived hundreds of years before Nawab. (@TrueIndology)


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