BJP candidate from Thiruvananthapuram Kummanam Rajasekharan has decided to make carry bags and pillow covers from the shawls he has received during receptions, and convert the banners and hoardings into grow bags
The Election Commission of India, in some states, has called for eco-friendly election campaign and cautioned political parties against using polluting materials, which cause adverse impact on environment. As the polling has been completed in the state, the slogans of eco-friendly campaigns raised by various political parties went in vain, without being translated into action as usual.
However, the BJP has set a new model for other political parties in the state, taking an innovative step towards achieving the objective of a waste-free election campaign. Kummanam Rajasekharan, the BJP candidate from Thiruvananthapuram has announced his plans to recycle all the shawls that he received during receptions across his constituency to useful products.
“Now the process of segregating the shawls is in progress. We are planning to convert them into value-added products like carry bags and pillow covers,” Shri Kummanam Rajasekharan said in a Facebook post.
“We have already started to remove the hoardings and boards that were put up on roadsides as a part of election campaign. We are going to make ‘grow bags’ out of them,” he added.
Taking Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s flagship Swachh Bharat Mission to new heights, Shri Kummanam said that the efforts are aimed at promoting an eco-friendly and plastic-free life style.
The 66-year-old RSS Pracharak and the former governor of Mizoram, Kummanam is the popular face of ‘green-politics’ in Kerala, championing the cause of environment in the state. He had led an agitation against the proposed airport on wet lands in Aranmula.
The former Governor of Mizoram, who resigned from his post to contest the Lok Sabha election from Thiruvananthapuram, also expressed confidence of winning the seat.