Muthuraj, a photojournalist from a Tamil weekly magazine was brutally attacked by Congress workers for taking photographs of empty chairs at the party’s election meeting in Tamil Nadu. Angry Congress workers manhandled and thrashed the journalist.
“Congress workers manhandle and thrash photojournalists who were allegedly clicking pictures of empty chairs at a public rally by the party in Virudhunagar (06.04.2019),” ANI tweeted with visuals.
The incident took place on Saturday (April 6) in Tamil Nadu’s Virudhunagar district before the party meeting began and the shocking high-handedness of the Congress workers was caught on camera.
The public meeting was organised by Congress to explain the party’s manifesto to the people. The visuals clearly show how the Congress workers manhandled the photojournalist identified as RM Muthuraj and tried to snatch his camera.
“Tamil Nadu Congress President KS Alagiri to participate in public meeting at Virudhunagar. Chairs are empty with no people, media takes photographs of empty chairs and Congress goondas enter scene to thrash the journalists for taking pics of empty chairs! Way to go Rahul Gandhi,” said S G Surya, BJP Tamil Nadu state leader in a tweet.
The attacked journalist has reportedly filed a complaint with the local Police.