Chennai: Bharat Bharati organised ‘Maatribasha Diwas’ on March 3. Around 170 people from different walks of life participated in the function. The chief guest, retired Brigadier Krishnan Sampath, who served through Army for more than three decades, proudly said he is an Army man and for him nation is important and that is his religion. From the army background, he was born in South India, educated in North India and served at many parts of the country. He appealed to take this concept of ‘Maatribasha Diwas’ in a bigger way.
The audience and guests during the function in Chennai
RSS Kshetra Sanghachalak Shri Vanniyarajan highlighted the importance of keeping in touch with one’s mother tongue. Before Britishers left India in 1947, to break the unity and strength of our country and to attack the culture and language, the Britishers introduced the English language among Indians as priority language for them to learn. They planned that their language would continue to break the culture and unity, he said. He appealed to all to maintain speaking in their mother tongue among their family members so that the next generation may continue this legacy. He also said he is not against English language, but need people to have their mother language to be known and spoken on priority. Only 5 per cent of the world population has English as their mother tongue. India as a nation is powerful because of its culture. It’s the only country where so many languages/dialects are spoken and celebrated. We should be proud of it and maintain that legacy, he added.
Smt Jaya, a proficient linguistic person with knowledge of 10 languages, was honoured with shawl and garland during the function. Twenty-six different linguistic people spoke in their mother tongue and energised the audience. The function concluded with Vande Mataram