The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, passed a resolution on ‘Bharatiya Family System: A Unique Contribution to humanity’ in its three day meet at Kedardham in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, said the Sah Sarkaryavah, Shri Dattatreya Hosabale in a press conference today.
Sh. Hosabale said that the Sarkaryavah Sh. Bhaiyya ji Joshi stated during the meet that the 75th anniversary of the Azad Hind Fauz government should be celebrated all over the country.
The resolution titled ‘Bharatiya Family System: A Unique Contribution to Humanity’ said, “The ABPS is of the firm opinion that there is a need for comprehensive and immense efforts to sustain the lively and value-based nature of our family system. Through our day to day behaviour and conduct, we should ensure that our family life works for building character, enriching life-values and strengthening mutual relationships. The family life will be joyous and blissful through dining, praying, celebrating festivals and going on pilgrimage together, the use of mother tongue, insistence on Swadeshi and, nourishing and protecting family and social traditions. Family and Society are complementary to each other. To instil the sense of social responsibility, encouraging donations for social, religious and educational cause and readiness to help the needy as per ability should become the nature of our family.”
“With the passage of time, some distortions and rigidity have crept in our society. Ill-practices like dowry, untouchability and discrimination, ostentatious and extravagant spending, superstitions etc are creating obstacles in the all round development of the society. The ABPS calls upon the entire society, starting from our own families, to make efforts in uprooting these evils and shortcomings and work towards establishing a value-based and harmonious society,” the resolution said.
It further added, “Those who are forced to stay in nuclear families due to the circumstantial compulsions should keep their contacts alive with the ancestral family and spend some time with them collectively on regular intervals. To remain connected with the ancestral place is like connecting with the roots. Therefore, activities like being there together as a family, undertaking some service projects etc. should be undertaken. Elementary education of children should be conducted in the local environment to nurture family and social bonds. Organising community festivals and programs in our residential area can be useful to cultivate the sense of larger families. Initiating activities like Baal-Gokulam and Samskaar-Varg for young and adolescent children will also be useful for their balanced development.”
Sh. Hosabale said that the statement on 75th anniversary of Azad Hind Fauz government said, “During the 75th anniversary of this historical chain of events, we remember with gratitude the contribution of Azad Hind Sarkar, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and thousands of soldiers of Azad Hind Sena in the Bharatiya freedom struggle. The recent steps taken by the Union Government to recognize the contribution of Azad Hind Sarkar are laudable. We appeal to all to organize events that will make the citizens of the country especially youth, aware of this inspiring and glorious history.”