Kerala police, on Thursday, arrested two students from Malappuram for putting up posters saying ‘Freedom for Kashmir’ in the premises of a government college. The students, Rinshad Reera and Muhammad Faris, belong to the B Com department of the Government College Malappuram, have been arrested on the charge of sedition, under Section 124 (A).
Both of them are active workers of the Radical Students Forum (RSF), an Islamist fringe group. The anti-India posters, expressing solidarity with separatists, also voiced for ‘self-determination’ rights of ‘Kashmiris’ and ending ‘bloodshed and oppression’. The culprits were arrested following a complaint by the principal of the college.
Government College, Malappuram
Islamist fundamentalist groups have simultaneously launched a campaign on social media, claiming that the students were arrested for sticking posters against ‘Sangh Parivar’.
Malappuram Police have confirmed that the sedition case was registered for demanding the liberation of Kashmir. The police have found more posters on the campus that contain anti-national slogans, which read ‘Liberation for Kashmir, Liberation for Manipur and Liberation for Palestine.’ According to other students, Rinshad was an active worker of SFI, student’s wing of the ruling CPM, until recently, before floating the radical Muslim outfit.