At last CM Pinarayi Vijayan has done it. At least two young women of early 40s have entered Sabarimala temple during the wee hours of today, January 2, 2010. They are Adv. Bindu and Kanakadurga who had to return on December 24, 2019, thanks to the heavy protest, resistance and blockade from the side of the devotees. They are known Maoists and anarchists and workers of CPI-ML Red Flag. This time they did it with the help and escort of the police from Pampa.
And, Thanthri of the temple has done what he had declared earlier. That is, he closed the temple as temple traditions are violated. This is the first time in the history of the Sabarimala temple. This happens when hundreds of thousands of devotees do queue up for darshan. The purification process is going on after the temple was closed at 10.30am. It was after Thanthri got the confirmation of the young women’s entry. CM’s chat with the media was enough for him.
The women, obviously accompanied by some men, were escorted by the police and taken to the temple through the northern entrance. Devotees traditionally enter the temple climbing the “Holy 18 steps” carrying the holy ‘irumudikkettu’. These anarchists had not complied with these conventions since their intention was not ‘darshan’. The men who accompanied them had photographed the women. And, they have released the visuals to social media. Bindu was heard asking the mufti policemen whether there was any evidence of violating the tradition. Then the policeman answered that he had visuals with him. In other words, it is the result of a high-level conspiracy with the knowledge of the CM Pinarayi and other higher-ups. And, apparently, the policemen in Sannidhanam were kept in dark.
There are unconfirmed news that a couple of different women accompanied the anarchists.
CM Pinarayi Vijayan has confirmed the young women’s temple entry.
He told the media that they got a police escort. He says, it is as per supreme court verdict. There were attempts in the past, but turned futile due to resistance. He says, this time they have succeeded, perhaps due to the absence of opposition.
Hindu Aikya Vedi president K.P. Sasikala Teacher said, once the Thanthri performs the purification process, the devotees should take a decision. Devotees should throw away this government. Pinarayi should resign in the wake of this betrayal.
Devotees are going to carry out protests throughout the state. BJP leader M.T. Ramesh offered wholehearted support of his party to the protests.
As soon as the news of violation of tradition broke, protests spread throughout the state. Peaceful protests are spearheaded by BJP, VHP and Shabarimala Karma Samithi are attacked by police and CPM goons. Several BJP – Yuva Morcha workers are hospitalised. In Tiruvananthapuram, CPM wokers pelted BJP workers with stones and sticks when BJP workers carried out protest march near secretariat. But, police blasted grenades and tear gas and used water cannon against BJP workers. One shell fell in the satyagraha pandal where BJP state vice president Sivarajan has neen observing hunger strike since the last four days in connection with Shabarimala issue. Now, Sivarajan suffers breathing problem due to the fume of the tear gas. Mahila Morcha state president Prof. V.T. Rema and BJP state general secretary Shobha Surendran were there. Prof. Rema sustained injuries in her leg. Shobha was in the hospital since she was arrested on the 10th day of her hunger strike. She came to the spot after hearing that CPM leader and former MLA Sivankutty brought party goons in two vehicles.
Interestingly mainstream TV channels told the viewers that CPM workers started violence and police spared CPM men and kept on attacking BJP men in Thiruvananthapuram. Now, the capital city looks like a war field.
In Neyyattinkara, a municipality in Thiruvananthapuram district, BJP workers block the road. They threaten, they would commit suicide in the event of an arrest. In Guruvayoor, Thrissur district, several BJP workers are injured due to the attack of the CPM men. Police atrocities are reported from all districts in the state.