New Delhi: Shri Sandip Joshi from Rajasthan has been selected for this year’s Prof Yeshwantrao Kelkar Yuva Puraskar. He is being honoured for his outstanding work that he has done by introducing innovations in the school education. The Puraskar is being granted by Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad and Vidyarthi Nidhi since 1991. It will be presented at the national convention of the ABVP being held in Ahmedabad from December 27 to 29. The Puraskar consists of Rs one lakh, citation and a memento.
Shri Sandip Joshi wtih his students
Shri Sandip Joshi belongs to an ordinary family of Jalore, Rajasthan and teaches in Government High Secondary School at Rewat. His experiments conducted in the school education have been emulated by many schools in seven states. He experiment of ‘no bag day’ has received huge