#WorldAIDSDay: First time in India, Bravo HIV-Self-Test kit for Early Detection of HIV

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Bravo HIV-Self-Test detects both viral antibodies that the immune system starts to produce when a person has been infected with HIV as well as HIV viral antigen
Launched in 1988, December 1 marks the 30th anniversary of World AIDS Day. The annual observance highlights worldwide efforts to combat HIV/AIDS. The day is also an occasion to show support for those living with HIV. If figures to be believed, according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2017, worldwide approximately 36.9 million people were living with HIV, an estimated 940,000 people died from AIDS-related illnesses, and about 1.8 million people were newly infected with HIV.
The HIV testing and counselling services remain low in India, and the only reason is fear of discrimination and breach of confidentiality results among the affected persons. So here is a good news. After some months, one can be able to do HIV testing at home, if one has doubt that he/she is infected with HIV or not.
Bravo Pharma is launching Bravo HIV-self-Test kit so that one can do the HIV testing at home. Talking to Organiser, Bravo CEO Rakesh Pandey said “Early detection by the self-screening will substantially make the treatment easy and effective. HIV self-testing is a confidential HIV testing option that enables people to find out their status in the privacy of their homes. This is going to be a game changer. This kit is as simple as Pregnancy Test Kit”.
Bravo HIV-Self-Test detects both viral antibodies that the immune system starts to produce when a person has been infected with HIV as well as HIV viral antigen. Bravo test is a unique self-test as it enables to detect HIV earlier than any other self-test available. Due to the detection, it shortens the “window-period” (the time from being infected to the time a test gives accurate result) from the average of 3 months to 2 weeks.
Bravo HIV-Self-Test has been work out in close collaboration with doctors, scientists and laboratory specialists. The novel concept has been controlled on a target group consisting of persons from different age groups and different social background. The test has been made as simple as possible for self-use. The results of the test can be read with a special phone app. According to the results of the test linked to it will give further guidelines in a clear and straightforward manner. It would enable the person who has taken the test to be sure about the next necessary actions. The app will connect the person to a web platform with comprehensive information about HIV. The person who took the test can be linked via the app with the closest medical centre around for getting an appointment to the doctor if needed.
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