A three day Rashtriya Yoga Competition was organised by Vidya Bharti from November 25 to 27, in the premises of Geeta Balbharti School.
Yoga is a way of life. ‘A journey of the self, through the self, to the self.’ The programme was inaugurated amidst the chanting of the Vedic mantras. The chief guest Dr Tanuja, Director of All India Ayurvedic Institution, CEO of NMPB said that Ayurveda and Yoga are two sides of a coin.
Hemchandra, a distinguished guest, stressed the importance of games and yoga, which brings discipline in life. He enlightened the students about the participants making their name by being actively involved in 77 types of games held at 36 places by SGFI.
Around 350 students, both boys and girls, across 11 regions of the country participated in under 14,17,19 age group categories. The Competition was divided into three types of categories as Team, Rhythmic and Artistic.
Surender Attri said that Vidya Bharti believes in PanchKoshiyaPadatti. He urged the students to follow the teachings of Guru Nanak and Bhao Rao Devras. The distinguished guests Hemchandra, Surender Attri, Chamaria, Kulveer, Ram Gopal, Vinod Sharma and Hari Prakash graced the occasion.
The programme commenced with participants winning 119 medals in the different categories.