RSS Sarkaryavah Shri Bhaiyaji Joshi inaugurated the new hostel building at Janaseva Vidyakendra at Channenahalli on August 25. The function was attended by many dignitaries including Dakshin Madhya Kshetra Sanghachalak Shri V Nagaraj,
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Sep 5, 2018, 05:16 pm IST
Shri Bhaiyaji Joshi speaking at the function in Bengaluru
Bengaluru: RSS Sarkaryavah Shri Bhaiyaji Joshi inaugurated the new hostel building at Janaseva Vidyakendra at Channenahalli on August 25. The function was attended by many dignitaries including Dakshin Madhya Kshetra Sanghachalak Shri V Nagaraj, Managing Trustee of New Horizon Institutions Dr Mohan Manghnani, Managing Trustee of Janseva Trust Shri VY Raghavendra Rao and Karnataka Dakshin Prant Sanghachalak Shri Ma Venkatram.
Shri Joshi said we not only need to safeguard Dharma but also we must ensure that it is practised. “Everyone should be aware of Bharat’s history and culture,” he added. “Janseva Vidya Kendra has been imparting education that builds one’s character and those who have studied here have to be part of nation building. Several universities are conducting research on prominent personalities and the students of Janseva Vidya Kendra should also involve in such endeavour. They should also engage in service of the nation and in propagation of Dharma too,” he said. He lauded the efforts of the institution in imparting affordable yet quality education based on our culture and traditions to the students from all strata of the society.
Shri V Nagaraj said Janseva Vidya Kendra is providing education in all spheres and has been inculcating patriotism, societal concern in its students along with quality schooling, physical and intellectual education. This new building would help immensely in training students of the present and future generations. Dr Mohan Manghnani lauded the efforts of the Janseva in imparting quality education.
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