Adv P S Sreedharan Pillai has been appointed state president of BJP Kerala. He succeeds Kummanam Rajasekharan, who resigned the party post to take over as the Governor of Missoram. Earlier he had led the state unit from 2003 – 2006. He is a leading lawyer in Kerala with roaring practice and was the Assistant Solicitor General in Kerala High Court from 2001 to 2003.
During his stint as the state president BJP bagged record votes compared to the previous years. When he was partyprabhari for Lakshaddeep he organised powerful unit in the islands with 100 % Muslim population. And, NDA bagged the Lok Sabha seat from there in 2004. NDA candidate defeated P M Sayeed who has been winning from there since 1967. Now, the elevation of Adv Pillai is a real morale booster for the party leaders and rank and file when the 2019 general election is round the corner.