Moideenkutty a businessman from Malappuram, sexually abused a 10-year-old girl inside a cinema hall. The Sub Inspector of Police K G Baby is likely to be booked under POSCO for not registering the case immediately after receiving the Child Line’s complaint
The incident occurred on April 18. That day people noticed the elegant car he drove to the movie house; it was a Mercedes Benz! By that time the woman and the child were already in the movie house. CCTV visuals suggest that Moideenkutty sat in the middle of the child and her mother. And he sexually abused both. The neighbours of the woman told the media persons that Moideenkutty was a frequent visitor to child’s residence. In other words, the man might have sexually abused the child several times and the girl was used to it. Perhaps that is why the girl did not resist at all during the whole period of two and half hours, an average duration of a Malayalam feature film, while Moideenkutty was sexually abusing her.
At last both Moideenkutty and the woman are arrested and remanded under POCSO. Police said, both pleaded guilty. The case has been charged under Section 9, 10 and 16. But, some legal experts believe that there were scopes for Section 5 and 6; they would have been more effective. Reports suggest that a POCSO case is likely to be registered against the Sub Inspector of Police K.G Baby for not registering the case immediately after receiving the Child Line’s complaint.
Moideenkutty is reported to have admitted that he was having ‘intimate relations’ with the child’s mother. Moidennkutty is widely known as “Swarnakkutty” (meaning golden child). It is due to the nature of his business. He runs jewellery shops back in Kerala and Gulf. He is known as a generous donor to all parties and bodies hence ‘our man’ for all. So, people sarcastically say that “Swarnakkutty is here, then who bothers about the “peeditha kutty” (meaning, the sexually abused child) ! They are indirectly mentioning that his money power might have stopped the police from taking actions against him when Child Line filed the complaint. Obviously, the police’s inaction was deliberate; they did not want to rub the rich businessman up the wrong way. This is a typical example of the modus operandi the police has been following since Pinarayi Vijayan took over.
Ironically, Moideenkutty has been running a campaign on social media seeking justice for Kathua victim.
The second incident is reported from Payyannur, Kannur district. The nomad girl was sleeping with her parents in the municipal stadium. One P.C. Babyraj closed the child’s mouth with his hand and carried her and tried to run away. The loud scream and cry of the child woke the parents and others up. They drove away the man. He sustained injuries in the head during the scuffle. Reports from the locality states that even though the police came there after receiving phone call from the parents of the child they took the culprit to the hospital for treatment and they left the hospital without making any arrangement for taking actions against him for the criminal offence he committed which very much attracts action as per POCSO. After having the first aid, Babyraj shot off the hospital. He forwarded a cheque of Rs 50,000 to the child’s parents through his lawyer for not revealing the story to others. This is another example of the police’s mindset and approach towards the people’s problem, law and order, etc.
Why do police follow this style? The answer is simple: They are not for the people. They are for the will, pleasure, whim and fancies of the Government and the ruling party. That is why their association conferences look like CPM or CITU conferences. They wear red shirts when they attend the conference; They shout the slogans “Rakthasakshikal Zindabad” (Martyrs Zindabad), etc. something peculiar with the communists.
Interestingly Kerala’s so-called intellectuals, writers, artists, cultural veterans, etc. keep mom with respect to these shocking incidents. Logic is simple: The incidents are not reported from a BJP-ruled state. They were ruling the roost when the Kashmir rape of a girl child occurred. They were not ready to denounce the Islamic forces for WhatsApp Hartal against Kashmir rape. They diplomatically found out an alibi and blamed RSS for engineering the hartal. They once again prove their intellectual bankruptcy and their servitude to CPM. They once again prove that when they shout against any untoward incident it is not due to their genuine commitment to the law and order or humanity, but, due to mere political affiliation.
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