Some Dalit organisations and the Rahul -led Congress has been making repeated allegations of an increase in atrocities against Dalits ever since the NDA government has come to power.In Andhra Pradesh, the fact is that the Dalits who converted to Christianity but are not disclosing this fact to the government are put in the forefront of evangelising Christian groups visiting homes and holding public meetings and processions for the propagation of Christianity and gain converts. When they trespass and harangue derogatory remarks about Hinduism in public places which are objected to, it is these converted Dalits, now proclaiming themselves as Dalit Christians, are filing atrocity cases against objectors. This is disturbing peace. The Atrocities Act is so serious that objectors and potential objectors are frightened and are becoming victims of the atrocity act. It is, therefore, necessary that the agitation claiming that atrocities are increasing is discounted in the light of the intense and extensive missionary propaganda that is disturbing peace in the coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh.
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