Shri Ali Akbar, a famous Malayalam Film maker, lyricist and screenwriter in Kerala, is known for his candid opinions. Shri Akbar invites public attention to the rampant radicalisation among Muslims through his speeches and social media interventions. Shri Ali Akbar spoke to Organiser Weekly on the issue of growing influence of radical Islamic organisations like PFI in Kerala and the need for upholding nationalist ideals to fight the menace of religious fundamentalism.Excerpts:
The rapid radicalisation of Kerala Muslims is a matter of concern. How do you see this?
I would say, we are living with a ticking bomb. The rampant radicalisation is apparent but behind the scene, there is a graver imperceptible movement which, being a Muslim, I can easily sense. The Muslim society in Kerala has undergone a very radical change. Earlier, they used to invite all friends and families, cutting across the religious lines, for Iftar during Ramadan. Now Hindus are not being invited for Iftar. Islamists are propagating that Muslims should not mingle with Shirks (polytheists)!
What is the reason for this radical transformation?
As you know, Darghas in Kerala like Beemapally Dargah in Thiruvananthapuram used to be visited by people from all faiths. Now Muslim extremists are targeting these Darghas. We in the Film Industry visit Kollur Mookambika Devi Temple, irrespective of religion. When famous scriptwriter Late T A Rasaq had visited Mookambika Temple, the Muslim fundamentalists have unleashed a massive propaganda against him through media. What is happening right now is unprecedented in Kerala.
How these radical Islamic outfits are
gaining ground in Kerala?
These fundamentalists have created active social media groups to post abusive contents which hurt the religious sentiments of others. The PFI and Jamaat-e-Islami are the major groups that are radicalising the Muslim society. They are nothing but offshoots of SIMI. The Salafi extremists are another dangerous group. Now, the tombs of Sufi saints have widely been destroyed in Kerala. By doing so, the Jihadis want to expand their base into traditional Sunni Muslims. The vigorous attack of Islamists on RSS are intended to creating a fear psychosis. The ultimate aim is that to convert them into extremist Islamism.
The design is to radicalise the youth, it makes them easy to make him a terrorist. In a study, we found that such groups are extensively using drugs. They use criminals for their clandestine activities. It has been reported in newspapers that Satyasarani in Malappuram is an epicentre of radicalisation. So many such centres are mushrooming. Kasaragod-Mangalore regions can be said to be the headquarters of terrorist recruitment. All these groups have nothing to do with religion, they are a group cold blooded criminals.
There is an allegation that Communists and Islamists are working hands in glove. Is it true?
The radicalised Muslims have widely infiltrated into CPM. The Islamists are masquerading as Communists. The last assembly election result in Koduvally Constituency (in Malappuram) is a clear example of this. In 2016, LDF managed to win a traditional UDF stronghold with the support of Mujadis and Salafis. The CPM leadership is aware of that but the party cannot afford to get rid of it as Islamists are a major funding source for the party. CPM knows it very well that they cannot survive in Kerala without their support.
What are the main reasons for this radicalisation?
The mass migration of Malayalis into Gulf Countries is one of the main reasons for this radicalisation. The radical outfits are getting funds from Gulf countries where they conduct a fund raising campaign at Mosques on every Friday. Purdah had never been a part of our culture that was brought to Kerala by Jamaat-e-Islami and Mujahids. Jamaat-e-Islami which not popular in Kerala till a few decades ago, has mosques in every village. Where is this money coming from? CPM knows about the consequences of this Islamisation very clearly but not willing to counter it.
What is the way out of this danger?
The Muslim society in Kerala is slowly realising this danger. There will be a visible change in 2-3 years. The Christianity in Kerala is now highly alert on this issue. The worst part is that even innocent Muslim children may be isolated in the society because of the hatred spawned by Islamists. There will be a churning but things will definitely change. More Muslims are now joining the nationalist fronts like BJP. It is unfortunate to say that Muslims in Kerala still do not know the ideals which RSS upholds. They fail to understand what cultural nationalism is. It is the result of a consistent malicious propaganda of Communists. A positive change I have observed is, earlier Muslims were in a denial mode as far as the issues like Love Jihad are concerned. Now they have started accepting that Love Jihad is a reality.