As we have been separating ourselves more and more from the mind of the universe, thereby having sorrows aplenty. Yoga takes back to the recesses of cosmos
C Radhakrishnan
In simple terms science means knowledge of nature in general and the laws that play behind it, in particular. It has come a long way from rudimentary application of the law of causation. Becoming a way of life itself, including in general perspective, science has not transformed the world physically and philosophically, but also damaged the biosphere to the extent of proving a threat to the very future of all life on the earth. This has given rise to a situation wherein we want everything to be analysed scientifically, including all human efforts, past and present, to ameliorate the ravages caused by the very practice of science. This is good in a way because solutions found will have to be logical.
In order to analyse Yoga ‘scientifically’, one would begin with its definitions. We find three in Shrimad Bhagawat Gita and one in Patanjali’s Yogashastra. The Gita being the essence of all Upanishads, needs to be considered first. One may feel that the very fact of there being three definitions tends to suggest that none of them is valid. Yes, but only superficially. A closer look will prove they are inter-connected and, together, mean one.
‘Dukhasamyogaviyogam Yoga uchyate’, says one of the three, which means ‘Yoga is the state when all association with sorrow has been relinquished. The paradigm shift in the nature of being, it indicates, can be understood only if the literal meaning of the word Yoga is taken into account. ‘Yoga’ means ‘being one with’. Well, one with what? The mind of the universe, one is told. The perennial mood of that great mind is eternal happiness—satchidananda. There is no scope for an iota of sorrow therein. The definition itself is an instruction, as is always the case with all definitions in adhyatma vidya.
Now how does it relate to modern science?, one may ask. The answer is provided by a person no less than Stephen Hawking, considered to be the doyen among physicists. He is on record saying man will have to migrate to some other planet in the immediate future if he is to survive.
This is because we have been separating ourselves more and more from the mind of the universe, sowing and harvesting sorrows aplenty! Earth, air, water, why even the space within our reach have all been polluted, highest mountain peaks and deepest ocean trenches not exempted.
‘Samatwam Yoga uchyate’ is another definition. It means ‘placing oneself above dualism of every kind’. The mind is disturbed by both pleasant and unpleasant experiences through the senses. Both have a tendency to distract the mind from its true nature—a replica of the mind of the universe, attuned to stay in state of bliss eternally. Let
everything be in a state of equality—not only fellow men but everything in creation. A yogi does not have to learn dialectical materialism to be an ideal socialist. And one who is not a yogi cannot lead any revolution with success as the good that eliminates the evil eventually tends to turn evil unless equality prevails.
The third definition is ‘Yoga karmasu kaushalam’ meaning Yoga is ‘enlightened expertise in doing work’. Yogis do not give up the world; they work to their last breath. In everything they do, they succeed because their expertise is spotless and their purpose of action is the well being of all .
Science says there is equal and opposite reaction to every action. The universe transforms itself through actions and reactions. Enlightened action means action that is in tune with the natural evolution of the universe. Performing it, takes one closer to the mind of the universe and happiness. Actions can succeed only if done with expertise. Expertise is earned by training and experience, but only within limits of the range of one’s vasana or natural disposition. Do what your nature makes you the fittest to do. It is called swadharma of the individual. Each one has one’s own. It makes one unique and is the only justification for one’s existence.
This is now a widely accepted by the science of human resources development. A nation, for instance, is most productive and the happiest when each and every one has the opportunity to find, learn, practise and live on the fruits of his or her swadharma. It is even transformed into heaven itself if all are enlightened to align with the mind of the universe.
Now let us read all the three together. The first indicates the purpose of Yoga—the eradication of all sorrows. The second prescribes the right mental approach to realise that objective. The last one details the physical modus operandi. Looked closer, the first is derived from the path of jnana, the second from bhakti and the third from
karma–the three paths to attain satchidananda.
Modern science is already talking about ‘happiness index’ as against all material indices it had got stuck with so far. A world in which the rich are unhappy as they are unable to get richer and the poor are unhappy as they can’t make both ends meet, is awaiting redemption through the practice and philosophy of Yoga.
Be practical is the most revered slogan of science. How can Yoga be practised? With what? At what cost? In which university?
These questions are answered by saint Patanjali and for those who have no time or patience to digest his treatise, though the Gita outlines the essence of it. There is only one apparatus to practise it – our own body. One can do it by oneself at zero cost! Just find a place where one is not easily disturbed, arrange a comfortable seat, sit straight and upright and meditate on the mind of the universe. The last part, no doubt, will prove tough as the mind will keep wandering. In fact our mind is ‘naturally’ a part of the mind of the universe and is in tune with it. But it is incessantly distraught with random thoughts and pictures. Block these and let the mind be what it really is. Maharshi Patanjali defines physical Yoga as chitavrutinirodha—controlling the vagaries of the mind.
Of course, the body has to be maintained healthy and all of its parts well nourished by ample circulation of blood and enzymes. For this various physical exercises are prescribed. These are no more than preparatory. Modern medicine has already adopted Yoga as a therapy; various universities are delving deep into what exactly the different postures do to various organs of the body. Similarly, modern psychology and psychiatry have found a goldmine in spiritual Yoga.
The Gita, every chapter of which is entitled a different aspect of Yoga, is a science text book for the entire humanity, irrespective of colour, sex, caste, religion, nationality, age or class. In fact ,it is the most credible and reliable ‘operating manual’ for human life. Begin to practise it in right earnest immediately is the best available option for the whole world to avoid spoiling the biosphere beyond the point of no return. Even if man succeeds in migrating to another planet, he will need it there as well to survive.
(The writer is a Kochin based scholar, author, scientist, film director and media person)