CPMKills Part III : Anti-Hindu, Anti-National

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The anti-Hindu attitude of  CPM is still continuing in full swing and is  discernible in matters like the ban imposed on Onam celebrations and the lighting of the traditional lamp during government functions

S Sethumadhavan
The anti-Hindu attitude of the CPM was very conspicuous in the 1960s itself, when they tried to disrupt the religious discourse of revered Swami Chinmayanadaji at the Keralavarma College at Thrissur. Revered Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, who is adored all over the world, is, for the comrades, the most despicable human-god! When the construction work of the building-complex of the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences was progressing in Ernakulam, through an article published in Deshabhimani, the organ of the CPM, it was alleged that the very purpose of the Institute was to sell Keralites’ kidneys to the Americans! This is in spite of the fact that the leaders of the party are very particular that their wards should be admitted to the educational institutions run by the Mata Amritanandamayi Math, for higher studies and professional courses! And it is high time that the party cadres see through the duplicity of their leaders! They also sought to disrupt the Vedanta classes of revered Swamiji Chidanandapuri, under the plea that the classes were fanning Hindu communalism. At the same time, the CPM leaders were vying with one another for arranging parole and according receptions to Abdul Nazer Mahdani, who was behind the bars on charges of disrupting communal harmony and fomenting violence all over the state through his venomous speeches. This has helped the Hindus in the state to see the fraudulent “secularist” face of  the party and its leaders.
This anti-Hindu attitude of the party is still continuing in full swing and is discernible in matters like the ban imposed on Onam celebrations, laying flower carpets during Onam festival, and the lighting of the traditional lamp during government functions, etc. Further, giving instructions as to what should be done in the temples, for how many days the Sabarimala shrine should remain open to devotees for offering worship, etc., and raising unnecessary and nonsensical demands like calling for stoppage of nonexistent arms training in the temple premises, are all not with the intention of doing good to the  Hindus or their temples, but  only part of the ulterior design of the party to plunder the temple properties and to destroy the temples by creating divisions and dissensions in the Hindu society. However, it is heartening that the Hindus in Kerala are intelligent enough to see through the party’s game-plan.
Ignoring the most horrifying miseries brought on the Hindus of Malabar through  massacre, plunder, raping of women, and forced conversions to Islam, on a large scale during the notorious Mopilla Rebellion in 1921, it was the CPM which accorded respectability  to that heinous crime against humanity, by describing the rebellion  as  “peasants” uprising’. After the partition, for Nehru, the communal Indian Union Muslim League was a ‘dead horse.’ And, as part of the appeasement policy pursued by the CPM, the party breathed new life into the rabidly communal Indian Union Muslim League by offering it a minister-ship on a platter.
For the Marxists, in the initial stages, India was one nation and the Muslim League was communalist feudalist and reactionary. But later they changed this stance and said: “1. India is not a nation but a collection of several separate nationalities, many of them being oppressed nationalities; 2. the Muslims are not quite an oppressed nationality but, as they fear that the Hindus in the future could oppress them, the demand for Pakistan is a just and democratic demand.” In fact, this was not at all an innovation or discovery of the Indian Marxists but they were only echoing the thoughts of their godfather, Joseph Stalin, who had said in an essay written by him in 1925: “Nowadays India is spoken of as a single whole. Yet there can be hardly any doubt that in the case of a revolutionary upheaval in India many hitherto unknown nationalities, each with its own language and its own distinctive culture, will emerge on the scene.” (The Only Fatherland by Arun Shourie, published by ASA Publications, New Delhi- page: 101.)
Not satisfied with giving a theoretical support to the two-nation theory of the Muslim League during the pre-partition days, in post-partition India also the Communists continued pampering the fundamentalist Muslim League and created the Muslim majority Malappuram District so as to help them to keep the communal -cauldron boiling. Again, it was the very same CPM that helped the UDF Government led by the Congress Party to torpedo the CBI enquiry into the conspiracy, international-connections and the financial resources of the communal- terrorist forces, who butchered eight innocent and unsuspecting fishermen at Marad in the year 2003. In the Ayodhya issue also the party’s attitude has been no better. KK Mohammed, who was a member of the archaeological team that conducted excavation at Ayodhya, has unequivocally made it clear that it was Irfan Habib, a Leftist historian, who made the Muslim community change its stance that, in case it was proved that a temple existed at the disputed site in the past, they would hand over the disputed land to the Hindus for constructing the Ram Temple.  All these point to the ulterior motive of the party to foment trouble in the country by disturbing the congenial atmosphere conducive for achieving communal harmony.
Anti-National Mindset
The entire history of the Communist Movement has been of abetting communalism and secessionism. How they betrayed the Quit India Movement in 1942 has been graphically detailed by the renowned columnist Arun Shourie in his book, The Great Betrayal. As has been mentioned above, the history of the undivided Communist Party had been that of supporting the Muslim League’s demand for Pakistan. Further, their argument that every region in which a specific language was spoken formed a separate nationality was a move against the integrity of Bharat. And comrade EMS Namboodiripad sought to give further impetus to this argument through his book, Keralam Malayaliyude Mathrubhumi (Kerala: The Motherland of Malayalis). In 1962, when China mounted an aggression on Bharat and grabbed thousands of kilometres of our land, and when the whole nation stood as one man against this aggression, EMS Namboodiripad and the Communist Party took a highly repugnant anti-national stance that the land the Chinese had grabbed was “a disputed area which the Chinese claimed as theirs and we as ours!” Also, to thwart our efforts to reach food supplies and war materials to our soldiers resisting the Chinese aggression on our borders, they even organised labour-strikes in Kolkata and other places. When every state in Bharat donated funds for the construction of the Vivekananda Rock Memorial at Kanyakumari in commemoration of the Swamiji’s birth centenary, the only state that refused to donate even a pie was Kerala, with EMS Namboodiripad as the Chief Minister! It is really a disgrace to the people of Kerala that the state’s name is missing in the list of our states that cooperated with this noble project in the name of Swami Vivekananda. When Russia and China were piling up nuclear warheads, Bharat conducted a nuclear test at Pokhran to beef-up its security, instead of welcoming the bold step taken by the Government, the CPM condemned the test, as if it were a great sin! The CPM’s opposition to the death sentences awarded to the terrorists, and the praise they shower on those who raise anti-national slogans are clear indication of the party’s anti-national activities. In Kashmir, the Left leaders had to face ignominy when, in spite of their  repeated implorations, contrary to the mood of the people of our country, for a meeting with the separatist leaders, who have been inspiring and prompting youngsters to pelt stones at our soldiers and security- men, were turned down by them. But, in spite of this insult, they shamelessly continue to show a soft corner for those anti-national elements!  
The Advent of RSS
When the RSS came to Kerala in 1942, the Communist Movement had deep and strong roots there. They had an array of popular leaders like AK Gopalan and EMS Namboodiripad. The Communist Movement could grow here riding on the crust of the anti-Congress sentiments that were strong among the Hindus in the wake of the untold suffering they had to undergo during the notorious Mopilla Rebellion of 1921. Then, along with the benefit of being a part of the international revolutionary movement, carrying the credit of being the first Left party that came into power through the ballot, and the false image it could create  about it as a party that stood for justice, brought acceptance to Communists in the then prevailing social atmosphere in the state.
At the same time, the RSS had no such claims or concessions! Although notions like Hindu and Hindutva had ready acceptance and influence in north Bharat, even prominent persons were doubtful about the prospects of its acceptance in Kerala. Although the Hindu Maha Mandalam, formed in 1951, had raised the expectation and self-confidence of the Hindus to a great extent, with its sudden death due to political reasons, some sort of a cynicism took over and the feeling that a Hindu organisation was impossible became endemic.
From day one, the RSS had to face insults and resistance from the Leftist forces. During those days, the Leftists used to ridicule the Sangh workers saying, “Your pulses will not cook here (You will not succeed), RSS-man!” They tried to obstruct the work by spilling broken glass pieces and thorny shrubs  on the gounds for the Sakhas; by conducting adverse propaganda using every abusive term in their vocabulary like Gandhi-murderers, reactionary-communalists, anti-minority, casteist-fascists, and what not! Whenever they came to power, they tried to crush and weaken the RSS with all their might, using even the pliable police force and the administrative machinery. For instance, when EK Nayanar was the Chief Minister, an infamous circular was issued by the then North Zone DIG, Kumaraswami, which read: “Give me the list of the RSS workers you have been able to arrest and jail before I have taken my breakfast.” Also, they tried to eliminate the RSS by obstructing the conduct of its Sakhas at public places, and intimidating and attacking the individuals and the institutions, who allowed the conduct of the Sakhas at places owned by them, etc. But all such heinous attempts did not bring them any result.
But, presently, the spectacle before us is such that the only party in the name of Communism continues to exist, is in Kerala, whereas the whole world has discarded Communism lock, stock and barrel, long back. But, no doubt, in Kerala also, the party is on the deathbed! The predecessor of the present government, the Congress-led UDF government, was mired in corruption, nepotism and other forms of unethical practices so the people, fed up with the dispensation, thirsted for a change. However, the present dispensation led by Pinarayi Vijayan that came to power with the backing of traitors and terrorists has, exposing its true colours in a very short time, disappointed the people of the state beyond all description. In matters like   corruption, nepotism and violence, they have literally outdone all others!
It is time for the enlightened people of Kerala, who are thirsting for peace and tranquillity, to harness their strength and come forward to discharge their solemn duty. The people of the state should work in unison to emancipate the state from the stranglehold of the outdated Communist philosophy. When the whole world is bowing down with reverence before Bharat with her awakened spiritual -power, Kerala cannot afford to turn her face away! Based on the strength of the love and spirit of Adi Sankara and Sree Narayana Guru, saturated with spirituality, we must recreate Kerala, overflowing with peace and tranquillity, the responsibility and fortune of which has fallen to our lot.
According to Sri Guruji Golwalkar, the second Sarsanghchalak of the RSS, “Communism is defective in theory and dangerous in practice.” And such a dangerous outfit has been deceiving the people for long in the name of the working-class and development. The Communist Movement, which is totally against the democratic principles, national interest and the lofty cultural identity of Bharat, is fast drifting towards its natural death. And, as far as Kerala is concerned, there is a mission the enlightened people of the state have to accomplish: the duty of eradicating this great hazard once and for all, and rebuilding a Kerala, steeped in peace and tranquillity, which we have to fulfil in a democratic way.
(Concluded) (The writer is Akhil Bharatiya Samyojak of Dharma Jagaran) (Translated by Gopal Mallar)

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