Union Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said on November 14 that after demonitisation, there has not been stone pelting on Armed forces in Kashmir as the terror funding had come down to zero. Sponsors of stone pelting do not have currency to pay to the youth to whom they had engaged for spreading violence on the streets of Kashmir Valley.
According to the report from Ministry of Home Affairs and agencies probing flow of Hawala money, crores of rupees have been smuggled to J&K in gas cylinders. All of a sudden, PM Modi announces demonetisation. The crores of money stashed in Hawala Channels suddenly cease to be money. It becomes a pile of papers. Separatists are clueless, their funders speechless and as a result the stone pelters jobless.
The J&K Police has reported to New Delhi that separatists are bewildered by this crisis of demonetisation. The black money supplied by Pakistan through Hawala channels to Pro-Pakistan Separatists is in 500 and 1000 denominations. “Close watch would be needed on cash-focused markets and traders in bullion, hawala, precious stones, real estate markets, forex traders etc, where efforts could be made to convert large cash hoards onto formal books of accounts, masked as genuine traders,” DGP,K Rajendra, said in an order. —Deepak Zazia, Srinagar
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