Column : The Communist Jugglery

Yes Comrades! I would prefer to call myself Ex-Comrade and I will tell you why. I was also living in the illusion of revolution and Lal Salam for a long time. The dream of creating blue print revolution

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Batting for separatists in J&K while blasting Modi government’s approach of raising Human Rights violations in Baluchistan is perfectly in tune with the communist duplicity

Yes Comrades! I would prefer to call myself Ex-Comrade and I will tell you why. I was also living in the illusion of revolution and Lal Salam for a long time. The dream of creating blueprint revolution prescribed by Marx and ascribed by many all over the world was also cherished by me. Though what will be there after ‘withered away state’ was never answered by any of my senior Comrades whose interpretation of Marxism always had their personal tinge. But the biggest contradiction (can’t help using the jargon being ex-communist) that jolted me was the duplicity my Comrade brethren played on concepts such as religion and the hypocrisy practised on issues of nation and nationalism. For the consumption of intellectuals Comrades always took a humanist stand, which was essentially meant anti-national, while on the similar issues the ‘party’ conveyed the contradictory (nationalist) stand for the common masses. The reason to pen down my observation at this juncture was I read People’s Democracy criticising the stand taken by the Government of India on Baluchistan while the top party leadership was trying to get cosy with the separatists.

The single mention of human rights issues by Prime Minister Modi, has certainly brought a paradigm shift in Bharat’s Pakistan policy. Reiterating the claim on Pak-Occupied-Jammu-Kashmir (POJK) and Gilgit-Baltistan has further disturbed the equation. Hence the opposition including Congress has endorsed government’s approach on brutal military aggression. There is a political consensus on bringing brutal military aggression in Baluchistan before the global consciousness, except the CPM. But as usual, CPM has come up with an anti-India and pro-Pakistani stand on this issue. An editorial appeared in People’s Democracy, the weekly mouthpiece of CPM, with a CPM Politburo member (now Prakash Karat) as the editor and the printer and publisher as none other than Party’s General Secretary Yechuri on behalf of CPM, has explicitly put it that ‘Baluchistan is an integral part of Pakistan’! As if taking a cue from some pamphlets distributed by ISI, the party has churned out an editorial dated August 21, 2016 and titled ‘Retrograde’ Steps on Kashmir in which CPM alleges, “By raking up the problem in Balochistan which is an integral part of Pakistan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has signaled the ratcheting up of tensions with Pakistan. This is the first time an Indian prime minister has raised the issue of human rights violations in Balochistan as a counter to Pakistan’s stance on Kashmir. This aggressive posture has been welcomed by the ultra nationalist elements and the hawkish security experts.” The editorial went so far as to criticise the Congress for endorsing this national cause.

As its title implicates, if Government of India’s Kashmir Policy is ‘retrograde’, what is the alternative policy which CPM had to put forward other than their same old pro-separatist stand? The fact which the party has never sided with the nationalist voice ever in the history, fans the fear and concerns further. It points the finger to the China-Pakistan axis, as China wants Baluchistan under its clutches because it has economic as well as strategic interests in the region. Does CPM firmly stand by its anti-national views and want to disseminate it to its rank and file or just to confine it to its so-called elite intellectual lobby? Over the years, the party has fondly been calling this ‘self-deception tactical policy’ in the Communist parlance. Ironically, this strategy has reduced the so-called mainstream communist party confined to southern and north-eastern corners, as a regional party, of course with ‘national’ status in the four walls of JNU.

On what moral ground Yechuri is pretending to be the apostle of Human Rights while his party is on a killing spree in Kerala and has tens of thousands of murders in its account in a State like Bengal including brutal firing at farmers in Singur and Nandigram, which Buddhadeb Bhattacharya himself accepted as the biggest blunder? How can a party like CPM be the popular or rational voice of the nation as both the party and its fraudulent and bogus ideology have been shunned by the people in the heartland of India, who were the immediate victims of the Communist treachery since the pre-Independence period?

Instead of roaming here and there in Jammu and Kashmir where CPM minus Yousuf Tarigami is nothing but vacuum, Yechuri should go and analyse the situation of Kerala where his party is on a killing spree. CPM and Yechuri will have to shed much sweat to convince this bizarre stand to their cadres. The statist ideology which ‘Party’ propagates will never understand the contours of Indian nationhood while the State institution they want to establish in India would never be accepted to Indian psyche. It is a litmus test for the communist cadre, who is still working at the bottom of the Communist Party and fed with the pseudo-nationalist stand, to decide whether they should array behind a China-Pakistan axis, as their agents or under the national flag of India. If they pass, then I am sure there will be many more ex-comrades who will expose other duplicities of the ‘redologists’.

Tiranga Salam!                                                 n

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