Book Review : Reformist Voice against Jihadists

Shri Tufail Ahmad, renowned journalist and extensive commentator on terrorism, is Director of South Asia Studies Project at the Middle East Media Research Institute, Washington DC. His articles and columns have appeared in several languages

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Jihadist Threat to India; Tufail Ahmad; Infolimner Pvt. Ltd; Pp 346;  Rs 695

Tufail Ahmad’s latest book Jihadist Threat to India presents a brilliant collection of articles concerned with terrorism, radicalism, national security, integrity and true secularism

Dr T H Chowdary

Shri Tufail Ahmad, renowned journalist and extensive commentator on terrorism, is Director of South Asia Studies Project at the Middle East Media Research Institute, Washington DC. His articles and columns have appeared in several languages and he is cited by the New York Times, BBC, Jerusalem Post etc. besides leading English papers in India. That shows how important is the content of his papers and articles and the breadth and depth of his research in matters relating to the Islamist jihad and terrorism and their roots. Born in Bihar, he had his early education in a madrasa there but later  he went on to Jawaharlal Nehru University, Indian Institute of Mass Communication and King College (London). His credentials are therefore excellent in regard to the subjects of which he writes. His latest book on terrorism, Jihadist Threat to India, contains 70 articles and papers written by the author during the period 2011-2016 (first quarter).


He holds that unless Islam is reformed and some of the passages in the Quran which were contextual and therefore are not at all relevant to current times are expunged or ignored, jihadism/terrorism, intolerance, exclusivism would continue to be instilled in Muslims. Some of the Ayats would inspire the believers into barbaric acts like beheading, rape, and slavery since the believers think that not a word in the Quran could be given up and no more is to be added to it as it is the word of Allah Himself. The fundamentalist believes that terrorism is part of jihad and barbaric acts are as per hadiths and he considers it as his duty to convert the entire humanity to Islam.
Within India, it is certain that what is taught in madrasas by the Imams who know mostly nothing except what is there  in the Quran and believe that to be the word of God, is what is leading to jihad and terrorism. Enlightened Muslims are terrified into silence and a few like Tufail Ahmad and Sultan Shahin who advocate reform in Islam including what is taught in the madrasas do not receive support from secular politicians, Marxists and left liberals. In this regard, the Nehruvian Congress and Marxists and the regional parties in their quest for Muslim votes are indulging in unlimited and unmerited tolerance to Muslim fundamentalism, radicalisation, separatism and even sheltering of Bangladeshi jihadis in India (eg. Burdwan).
Tufail Ahmad pleads for the enactment of a law against radicalisation of Muslims. The anti-terror laws are more or less ineffective firstly because they come into play after the terrorist act is committed and secondly the judicial process is such that in the absence of irrefutable evidence the perpetrators are acquitted. The anti-radicalisation act, he suggests, should be like what the US and the UK have legislated; that is going to the  sources which  prepare   jihadists through intellectual  indoctrination; those organisations  and institutions and the media  and other  support systems would all be targeted under the   anti-radicalisation law. He suggests that Darul Uloom Deoband should be closed down as it is incorrigible in its fundamentalism and issuance of shocking fatwas and even support to ISIS Caliphate.
He throws light on the jihadis, their sources of funding and inspiration, what they are doing in Europe especially in the UK where the Muslims are mostly of India-Pakistan-Bangladesh origin. Shia-Sunni war  under the leadership of Iran and Saudi Arabia respectively is having its own toll in countries like Pakistan, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. He holds that Pakistan would continue to be the breeding ground for terrorists and jihadists; that its military decides the foreign policies and Pakistan would never seek peace with India. It is bolstered by China militarily, diplomatically and by Saudi Arabia financially, Pakistan seeks to dominate Afghanistan at any cost in its quest for depth in defence. It is bent upon carrying out thousand cuts on India program spelt out by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. At little cost to itself; it is inflicting huge costs on India in J&K and is nurturing jihadis in the rest of India.
The impact of the articles written over time presented in one book is much more and gives a whole picture, than when they were presented to readers now and then in different publications spread over years. The essays/papers are excellently arranged in eight  sections like—The Case for Islamic Reformation, Roots of Pakistani Jihadist, Radicalism Among Indian Muslims, Combating Global Jihadist, The Pakistan Threat to India and so on.
Being the publisher of Jihadist Threat to India, Infolimner Media Pvt Ltd deserves a round of applause. Even though they are new to the domain of publication, despite all odds a publishing house could face in the period of infancy, they have done a commendable job by bringing out this remarkable book at par with international standard. Tufail Ahmad’s book is a must read for all Indians concerned with the country’s security, integrity and true  secularism.                            

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