A Page from History :This is Pakistan

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Vol. VI, No. 3     Bhadrapad 17, 2009, September 1st, 1952       Four Annas.  Air-/4/6

The Liaquat Murder Inquiry Committee Report has done more to expose the sandy foundations and sinister goings on in that state than Liaqat murder itself. The west Punjab Government insisted that the Report of the Inquiry held in Punjab must be tendered to it for submission to Pakistan Government and actually had its way in the matter. It received the  Report on February 28, 1952, but would not submit it unless Karachi undertook not to publish the parts in wanted to be suppressed. Only the utmost Central pressure and a most challenging statement of Begum  Liaqat persuaded it to Pass on the report to Karachi after a haggling to over 51/2 months!
The committee founded the Rawalpindi DSP Khan Najaf Khan guilt of gross negligence. The central CID had warned him of two conspiracies being hatched against the person of the PM, and categorically told him not to allow anybody of unknown identity to sit within 30 feet of the visiting leader. And yet Najaf Khan, himself present on the grounds, allowed said Akbar a known and notorious suspect and many others,  to sit at a distance of 18 feet!
Also Najaf Khan has been held guilty of falsifying records relevant to the murder, and spiriting away some important diaries including that  of the CID man commissioned to watch said Akbar’s activities while  he was in Rawalpindi. Also it was Najaf who against all canons of commonsense and evidence-collecting, ordered the shooting to death of the assassin. This, the Committee found, was done deliberately, to seal the lips of one who alone could reveal the conspiracy.

Let Bharat be its True self”—

Jagat Guru Sri Shankaracharya’s Inspiring Address to Nagpur RSS
The recent Guru Dakshina Ceremony of the Nagpur branch of RSS was presided over by Jagat Guru sri Shankar-acharya of the Puri Math, who came to the function in the company of Sar Sangh chalak Sri Guruji.
In His Introductory speech Sri Guruji referred to the Dharmic service of the nation rendered by Sri Shankaracharya and explained how dharma influenced the culture as well as the current conditions of a country. He pointed out that Dharma was the stabilizer of the society and  led to both spiritual and material goals. It was dharma that could maintain and sustain the society.
 Sri Shankaracharya’s address delivered before a mammoth
gathering of 10,000,  held the audience spell-bound with his deep erudition, lucid exposition and enlightened philosophy. Beginning with the difference between man and beast the speaker said, man always wanted to cover himself with merit and never with sin or evil.
Sri Shankaracharya deplored that we Bhartias are at present  enmeshed in un-Bharatiya confusions and cannot utilise the vast and wealthy heritage that is ours; but on the other hand many a time we even accept principles forsaken by Westerners as worthless!         n

With all that West Punjab Government has refused to arrest or even to suspend Najaf! Instead, it has appointed a provincial officer to report whether any action may be taken against him and some other! Pak Premier Nazimuddin has frankly confessed his powerlessness to take any action against Najaf since “law and order” is a “provincial subject” and Punjab is an “autonomous” province.
The wonder is that the Advocate General of West Punjab did not ry to help the Committee find the truth but instead tried to defend Najaf and other guilty officers and continuously repeating that Akbar had killed because he was a fanatic and not because he was an agent of local and foreign conspirators. The committee resented this dinning.
And now come news of the mysterious death of Aizaz-UD-Din, Inspector-General of Pakistan Special Police charged with the Liaqat Murder investigations. He died in the RPAF crash. The question however arises as to how and why he got into a plane which was proceeding on its routine bombing practice.
It is known that Liaqat’s relations with the British were not of the best Liaqat relied on all powerful USA to get him Kashmir. He agreed to lend air bases to USA and not to Britain. On top of it all he favoured American oil companies to do the oil prospecting drilling etc. in preference to British oil companies. That was too much for the British who thought Zafrullah would be more amenable to their influence.

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