Bengaluru: Eminent journalist and Group Editor of Organiser and Panchjanya Shri Jagdish Upasane said ‘celebration of Narad Jayanti reminds a journalist about his responsibilities towards the society. Addressing the Narad Jayanti celebration in Bengaluru on June 25, he said: “Maharshi Narad was not just a news communicator. He was keen on sustaining social values and awareness among people with whom he met. He is considered to be the first journalist by many. India’s first Newspaper Udanta Martand published on May 30, 1826 mentioned him as the first journalist on its front page.”
Shri Upasane further said freedom of expression which also includes the Press freedom, was completely curbed during Emergency. Thousands of journalists then forcefully fought for regaining freedom of the Press. Rajiv Gandhi also tried to regulate Press freedom by introducing the Press Act. However, his move received massive protest by several media owners. Later, the Act was withdrawn. This proves that the Government can’t supress the Press freedom, he added.
Senior journalist Shri Girijashankar presided over the function. On this occasion senior journalist Shri Eechanur Kumar was felicitated with “Thirumale Thathacharya Sharma Journalism Award” for his contribution in the field of journalism. RSS Karnataka Prant Karyavah Shri N Tippeswamy also shared the dais. VSK Karnataka founder trustee Shri Chandrashekar Bhandari, senior columnist Shri DG Lakshman, VSK coordinator Shri Rajesh Padmar and Pungava Editorial Chief Radhakrishna Holla were also present on the occasion.
Day-long camp for village temple priests
Panruti : A day-long village temple priest training camp was held at Panruti, Tamil Nadu on June 26. Starting the camp with Pranayama and Yoga, the participants were educated on performing puja during the practical session. Chanting mantras, singing bhajans and Deep puja were part of the camp. A total of 59 persons from Cuddalore and 30 persons from Vizhupuram participated in the camp.
Marking the 1,000th birth anniversary of Ramanujacharya, under the guidance of Vaishava Acharya Vilaancholai Thopu Swamigal, the streets of Panruti town witnessed a special bhajan and folk dance march. RSS Prant Pracharak Shri P M Ravikumar addressed the gathering. Prant Samarasta Pramukh Shri Guru Subramaniam, co-ordinator of Ramanujacharya 1,000th year Jayanthi Celebration Committee Shri P Mohanakrishnan, president of Faith Trust Shri Dhanasekaran were also present on the occasion.
– VSK Tamil Nadu