Malayalam TV channel Janam has recently brought to light the shocking news that some extremist organisations in Kerala are in recruitment spree. It is reported that girls also include in the recruits. The latest episode started from the missing of a 21 year old girl from her home near Cherpulassery, Palakkad District. When Cherppulassery police conducted inquiry into the missing case, came out some startling news. The girl disappeared from her home on June 13. It is reported that police enquiry revealed the connection of one Noufal Kurikkal of Pattikkad, Malappuram district, with her. It was alleged that the man had allured the girl and had taken her to somewhere for conversion to Islam. She had done her BBA from a local college and attended few classes in a nearby institution. It was during those days that she came under Noufal’s influence.
The girl had obtained a passport in May on emergency quota basis. She took all the significant documents with her when she left home sans informing her parents and other family members. Channel reports state that Noufal had returned to Kerala in July, 2015 after completing the religious education in Dar-Ul-Hadith Madrasa, Yemen. Now it is reported that he had left for Saudi Arabia, from Kochi International Airport, on June 13. There is no clue if the missing girl has been taken abroad. Reports suggest that despite having a wife and child in Yemen, he got married again in the native place during his sojourn at home. It is reported that Noufal was coordinating the activities of Yemani Salafi, an extremist group. The channel reports that now, in the absence of Noufal, one Sajid deputises him in the coordination works. Names of some close associates of Noufal have been disclosed by the channel.
This piece of disgusting information comes out at a time when news of 20 youths, including some Kerala Hindu youths who left the country after conversion into Islam and underwent Al-Qaeda training in Dar-Ul-Hadith Madrasa. They are linked to the Salafi Groups there. Some were converted during their studies in the professional colleges in Kerala. It is reported that Noufal and his colleagues were attracted to the Yemen Salafi Groups because they had the feeling that the organisations in which they worked were not as extreme as they wanted.
Channel added that the disciples of Sheikh Yahya Hajjuri, the extremist religious scholar of Yemen, had joined Al-Qaeda; they had got training in the Madrasa in operating arms like AK-47, etc. When the Madrasa was closed due to the Houthi rebel attacks last year, these youths were transferred to Sana as they were not ready to go back to the ‘land of Kafirs’. The Janam TV news have sent shock waves among the ordinary people of Kerala. They are very much worried about the presence and activities of more and more extremist outfits in the state.
-T Satisan, Kochi
NIA busts ISIS Module in Hyderabad
National Investigation Agency (NIA) has busted an ISIS module in Hyderabad. At least ten people on June 29 were reportedly taken into the police custody. The cell was allegedly run by a software engineer and his brother. NIA intensified the search for the terrorists followed by reports of a terrorist plot in Hyderabad. A large cache of weapons, explosives and currencies has been seized by police in the raids. It is believed that the module was working as an ISIS recruitment agency for abroad. NIA sources told the press that the members of the module had been under watch for more than four months. The arrests were made from houses in Chandrayangutta, Mirchowk, Talabkatta, Bhavaninagar and Mogalpura, said TV reports.
According to Asian News International (ANI), NIA sources said that popular public spots and religious places were their main targets. The accused were in constant touch with their suspected handler in Syria. NIA is quoted to have credible information that five of the 11 people detained were involved in terrorist activities. Those five people have been identified as Mohd Illiyas Yazdani, Mohd. Ibrahim, Habib Mohd, Mohd Irfan, Abdullah Bin Ahmad. An FIR was also registered against them on June 22, the sources said.