Some Congress leaders, including its Vice President Rahul Gandhi, are taking exception to the way Raghu Ram Rajan, the RBI Governor, has been shown the door. They should recall how B Rama Rau, who holds the record of longest tenure as RBI Governor, was made to resign in 1957. The then Finance Minister T T Krishnmachari had publicly admonished him for his policies and conduct, not once but at least twice. Jawahar Lal Nehru, the Prime Minister, kept mum all the while. Rau, an upright and self-respecting man, quit in a huff. In the present case, the Governor has been taken to task just by an MP of the ruling party. No minister has ever indulged in his criticism, although he on his part seldom missed an opportunity to give a dressing down to the government or injure its image. He has even taken liberty to rap the government on a strictly political issue of tolerance-intolerance. In the US, he ridiculed the Indian economy as an “one-eyed wonder among the blinds”. By his stubborn refusal to lower interest rates for the industry, he tried his best to undermine the “make in India” programme, which, in any case, had been a target of his derision on more than one occasion.
AJAY K MITTAL, 97 Khandak, Meerut City:250 002
The Man Behind the Research (The Resilient Civilisation, June 12 ); Kudos to Organiser for the cover story titled ‘The Resilient Civilisation’. However I am disappointed that in the entire article no mention of Prof. Anindya Sarkar from IIT Khargpur is made. I wish to inform you that this research would not have been possible without his active participation. All the while the Indian archaeologist have been making claims about the antiquity of the Harappan Civilisation without any scientific input which is why on an international scale academic scholars were very skeptical about accepting these discoveries. It was the research headed by Prof. Sarkar which has scientifically established this path breaking discovery. |
Leave it to the nature
The refers to the recent incident wherein under the directives of Union Ministry of Environment , animals which were found in excess were culled. We strongly oppose and condemn this act. It is indeed a shame on the part of our country where the most developed eco-cycle is operating in the world. The way the environment is being dealt, balancing our eco-cycle, can prove to be a disastrous one day. This act is totally against the ‘Law of Nature’ ,it will be better if we leave it to the Darwin’s Theory of ‘Survival of Fittest’ or sterilise them instead of taking the Law of the Nature in our own hands.
A true Jewel
(A Jewel in the Galaxy, June19); Apropos to the article titled ‘A Jewel in the Galaxy, by Aniket Raja.The article has given a true picture of India’s fight for freedom and the imminent contributions made by the patriots and the nationalists who suffered in the dark narrow rooms of Kala Pani , prepared by the British imperialists to deter true patriots of Bharat. Vinayak Damodar Savarkar’s sufferings were heard by one and all who were living during the British rule. Lot of school and college teachers even in Government schools in the 1940’s spoke about the saga of Savarkar’s contribution in the Freedom Movement. It is unfortunate that the Nehru- Gandhi dynasty strategically denigrated India’s great sons who laid down their lives to make Bharat free. Even patriots like Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel .Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and Bhagat Singh were tried to be diminished to perpetuate the dynasty. The Left too was a willing partner in this disgraceful campaign.
P N SAXENA, Via email
Reforming India
There is no doubt that a7.6 per cent growth rate is reassuring for the country because it shows that the economy is holding its own and is not sliding back. The latest data could not have come at a more opportune time for the Modi Government. It adds another dimension to the Government’s celebration on completing its two years in office. It allows the Government to underpin the argument that a quick turnaround in the economy has been possible because of the string of reforms it has rolled out’. Moreover, the data will embolden Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s sales pitch about India’s impressive economic record.
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