Report: ?SFI is the mother of divisive politics?

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Since last few months Hyderabad Central University is kept in news for the wrong reasons. Now finally the ugly truth behind the protests   is coming out in the open. If the General Secretary of University of Hyderabad (UoH) who has now resigned from the post is to be believed then the agitation over the death of Dalit scholar Rohith Vemula is funded by Congress and Communist parties and has “become opportunistic.’’ The former member of Students’  Federation of India (SFI),  a student wing of Communist Party of India (Marxists), Raju Kumar Sahu while resigning from the post on May 11, has alleged that the “present state of affairs at SFI, HCU is murky,” and  “the politics of SFI is opportunistic and not based on principles”.
In a six page press release, Raju cited several reasons for his decision to quit. Main among them is the opportunistic politics of SFI, false propaganda being carried out against certain people, students losing out on opportunities due to the agitations and the irrelevance of the Rohit Vemula movement. He said, “The present state of affairs at SFI, HCU unit reflects a murky state. After working for quite some time in SFI, I realised that the office bearers of the Union cannot express their voice independently. Even the common workers follow the directions from the top brass without questioning. Now, I understand that the politics of SFI is not based on principles and is opportunistic”.
“Region and religion are also major factors in SFI politics today, though outwardly it is proclaimed that they are above petty politics of caste, community and religion,” he said. He also alleged that the SFI unit of UoH were controlled by external forces. “As per my understanding, the Vemula movement is massively funded by the Congress, Left and opportunist forces of the country. About money flow, he said “Certain individual members of the movement are having daily lavish parties. Rallies are organised periodically and outside leaders are invited. As a participant of the movement, I confirm that massive funds are flowing and am keen to know the source of such funds.” He also claimed that beef and chicken are served in one of such events while questioning the source of money?
Raju also exposed the contradiction in the Left ideology which says that ‘it does not support terrorists like Yakub Memon’, at the same time ‘support those people who organise Namaz-E-Zanaja in memory of Yakub Memon, as a martyr’.
He also quoted a few lines from Rohith’s suicide note hinting that all is not well in the SFI. Accroding to him, he (Rohith) was disillusioned and went on to join ASA. SFI nurtured feelings of hatred in him which he was displaying against others, whom he perceived to be his enemies. It is very unfortunate that he committed suicide.
He also said, “Though we vowed for fight against fake and divisive politics, the students union was forced to adopt the same fake and divisive politics to continue an            agitation funded by outsiders as well as run at the dictates of outsiders.”
In response to allegations made by Raju, the SFI expelled him from the  student wing for maligning the organisation. Giving a quick reaction “HCU students union secretary resigns and makes startling revelations. Left and Congress role exposed in Rohith Vemula”s episode,” tweeted union minister M Venkaiah Naidu of the BJP.
 Organiser Bureau

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