Readers? Forum : Scam Queen

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(The Big Deal , May 15);
Kudos to Organiser for fully exposing the AgustaWestland Chopper Scam Deal through its front page story by Arun Srivastav.  Congress President Sonia Gandhi is always in the news whenever some scam is out. It appears as if she is expert in scams.Sonia Gandhi’s role in alleged corrupt practices goes back to the 1960’s and the 1970’s when she became an insurance agent of her brother-in-law Sanjay Gandhi for his Maruti Project, while living in her mother-in-law Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s official residence, along with her husband Rajiv Gandhi. Sonia Gandhi was still an Italian citizen. Then came the Bofors Scam in which her close friend Ottavio Quattrocchi was involved. He was in Delhi when the news broke out. Now the recent case, is her involvement in the AgustaWestland Chopper deal. In fact whenever some scam comes out and if Sonia Gandhi’s name is not there I feel that either the scam has not been exposed in totality or it is not a scam.
RAGHAV, Bengaluru

Dronacharyas of JNU

The ongoing injustice at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) deserves media attention. Two group of students, one led by the ABVP, and other by Left parties were on  hunger strike. It went down to the recommendations of High Level Enquiry Committee (HLEC), which punished a number of students. Most of the students are guilty of the shameful anti-national sloganeering at the JNU campus on  February 9th, but a few innocent ones have been punished too. This is tactically done by the HLEC to equate a balance. Saurabh Sharma, Joint Secretary, JNUSU, is a member of ABVP, and has been slapped with a fine. For what? He was, as many videos show, was just ensuring that anti-national sloganeering must be checked on the said date. ABVP students disgusted by this injustice first chose to proceed with constitutional means. They made appeals to the administration, but were left unheard and were compelled to go on an indefinite hunger strike. Due to this  five students, including one female student (Anima Sonkar)  continued the hunger strike. Many supporters  joined the relay strikes in solidarity. When Left parties saw this, they too started their parallel sickly motivated hunger strike. The partisanship which works in the JNU, and the nexus between student-faculty is again on a show. The JNUTA joined the hunger strike in solidarity with the Left parties and unfortunately ignored the ABVP students. The most sad part came when the struggling Saurabh Kumar collapsed. Apart from his ABVP supporters, no one came to his rescue. No voice of support or assistance came from a Left dominated JNUTA. But after making his much hyped Bihar visit (and negotiating with the duo of Nitish-Lalu), when Kanhaiya Kumar collapsed, the much of the JNUTA was backing him. All the media statements, social network posts and information which is coming out seems to be only mentioning the hunger strike of the Left parties, and deliberately erasing the ABVP”s much righteous cause. It concerns me as a citizen of this State, that how certain students who  again raised  anti-national sloganeering in a campus are being alienated very purposefully by their own faculty members. There seems to be an onslaught on these students” will and determination to stand for the national cause in a seemingly unpatriotic campus space.
                             PRASHANT KUMAR, Samastipur, Bihar

Crime in full swing in God’s own country
( Another Nirbhya, May 15); This is with reference to the report from Kochi by T Satisan titled ‘Another Nirbhaya’. I was shocked to see the alarming data showing the drastic increase of rape cases in Kerala from 2008 to 2015 which the writer has provided in the article.Once the most literate State in India and popularly known as God’s own country , Kerala is now witnessing incidents of rape , violence and murder almost every day. The recent incident of rape and murder of a law student from Kerala bears a striking resemblance to the Nirbhay rape case in Delhi. However, if the Dalit woman had belonged to a rich family , police action and  intervention would have been rapid and expeditious.
A Positive Move
( Reviving the River, May 15);The article by Pramod Kumar titled‘Reviving the River’ in Latur in very interesting and full of rich facts.While going through the article the best part which I noticed was that people who once used to criticise the RSS have joined hand with the swayamsevaks in reviving the Manjara River.An initiative by various organisations and political leaders cutting across party lines along with RSS workers to desilt 18-km long Manjara River ia a story of turnaround with collective efforts. With the growth in population and global warming India is now facing water scarcity. Such type of positive steps will definitely help to solve this problem.
 M C SHARMA,  Via email
Cheap Politics
I was distressed to watch the drama of Kanhaiya & Co. These people raised the anti-national slogans in JNU on February 12  on the death anniversary of Afjal Guru who tried to attack the Indian Parliament.Kanhaiya and his companions were raising such slogans as  ‘We want azadi for Kashmir’ ; ‘ We will continue our struggle till India is divided in many parts’.  Kanhaiya and his cohorts are traitors. Surprisingly the secular English Indian  media are defending these traitors in the name of ‘Freedom of Expression’. What sort of Freedom of Expression is this ?  In this regard I want to tell a story. “A man while walking with the help of walking stick struck the nose of another person with his stick. So naturally the other man objected. But the man with the stick said ‘ I am free to do so. This is the question of my liberty’. The other person said ‘My friend your freedom ends where my nose begins.” “Kanhaiya & Co. should also realise that they have no liberty to  raise anti-national slogans. The other issue that disturbs me is that the so-called secularist raise objection at raising the slogan of  Bharat Mata Ki Jai. I fail to understand  what is wrong in this slogan ? India is our mother. So it is our fundamental duty  to say Bharat  Mata Ki Jai. But surprisingly the  so-secularists are raising objection even to this patriotic slogan. This sort of dirty politics must be stopped. Bharat is our Mata. Saying Bharat Mata Ki Jai is no crime.
Australia   2680
In-depth inquiry
The AgustaWestland Chopper deal is costing the nation heavily as it is holding up precious time of the Parliament. Worse, it is vitiating the atmosphere and spoiling the chances of any cooperation between the ruling party and the Opposition to make progress on serious legislative business. However expressing outrage over bribes paid to Indian decision-makers by the middlemen in Italy is not sufficient. The sensible thing for the government to do is to focus on prosecuting an inquiry and getting  to the bottom of things.
HEMAVATHI A, Secundrabad
Make best out of worse
Even global powers will be flabbergasted to hear the high-decibel noise of corruption exposed in Mumbai’s Adarsh Cooperative Housing Society, more so because this 31-storeyed edifice was meant for war heroes and war widows and families of those who laid down their lives to protect the nation and their fellow countrymen. Even worse names of several Chief Ministers and a dozen bureaucrats emerged in a probe commission report into the matter. The common man and justice seekers are hopeful that the corrupt will be punished, but there are chances that the ball may be pushed into the apex court by influential people to save their skin. However I feel that nothing can be more insane than razing a 31-storey building to make a symbolic point. It will be a waste if the building is brought down. Instead , why not house the lower-income sections of people or re-allocate the flats to those for whom the building was constructed.
VINOD SHARMA, Kanpur    
Man behind anti- Hindu move
(Marching to Save the Nation, March 13); This refers to a report in Organiser titled ‘Marching to Save the Nation’ by T Satisan, giving brief description of the rally organised by the Akhil Bharatiya Poorva Sainik Seva Parishad  (ABPSSP ) in Kerala, to expose the anti-national , traitors, Leftists and the Islamic terrorists, etc. Shri Thillankeri has very correctly stated that “Despite being tolerant towards all the religious practices, Hindus are stamped as fascists. “But this is ridiculous that “the rally visited Gandhi Square and paid their respects to Mahatmaji”, as if Gandhi was an ideal. The fact is that Gandhi was the leader of anti-national brigade which blamed the innocent Hindus on false charges. The best part is that  still all anti-Hindus get inspiration from the Mahatma and accept him as an ideal.
Haryana: 134 109

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