Children, I know the topic that I have taken for this week may not be appreciated by you. In this fast moving times the phone seems to be our constant companion. A mobile is no longer just a phone, it is a whole package armed with camera, music,

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Children, I know the topic that I have taken for this week may not be appreciated by you. In this fast moving times the phone seems to be our constant companion. A mobile is no longer just a phone, it is a whole package armed with camera, music, whatsapp, games and muchmore.There is no doubt that the mobile phone is a very useful tool. But every technology that provides such benefits comes with a consequent price. The impact of mobile phones on youth and society is colossal.

Having a cell phone will tempt you to spend all day talking or texting. Studies have proven that teens who spend too much of their time with their cell phones are more prone to stress and fatigue. It can also lead to psychological disorders in some cases.The constant ringing, vibrating alerts, and reminders can put a cell phone user on edge.
Hindering Sleep
Cell phones might even be hazardous to your sleep, with the latest evidence suggesting that individuals with smartphones in the bed room sleep less each night. Most of the teens keep their cell phones nearby while sleeping to respond to texts and calls.
Teens respond to calls, text while driving, and riding. They talk and text on the phone without realising that it can cost their lives.
 Increases Anxiety
Relying on texting as a primary mode of communication can increase anxiety in teens. Texting is instantly gratifying, but it also produces anxiety. The instant reply by the friend can bring joy but a delayed response or no response can be disappointing.
 Risk of Cancer
Research shows that electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile phones get absorbed in the tissues when it is held for a long time. The nervous systems of teens are in developing and are at a greater risk of developing stage brain cancer from cell phones than adults.
 Cyber Bullying
According to a poll conducted by Fight Crime Invest in Kids, nearly one-third of the teens are victims of cyber bullying. And almost half of the victims do not know the identity of the perpetrators.
Disease Carrier
The incessant touching of your phone can harbour germs on your handset. The greasy, oily residue you may see on your cellphone after a day”s use can contain more disease-prone germs than those found on a toilet seat. In a study conducted at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and Queen Mary, University of London, showed that 92 per cent of the cell phones sampled out of 390 phones had bacteria on them.Your phones don’t need to literally come in contact with dirt or mud to be contaminated by germs. You carry your mobile phone every where you go and it touches many surfaces that may not be clean. Your own hand that holds the cell phone may not always be clean either.
Interfere with normal socialisation
 A team of researchers found cell phones actually interfere with normal socialisation. The near constant use even creates learned compulsive behaviours (like self-importance).A person can get so involved with the smartphone in his/her hand that they could potentially end up being disconnected from the real world.
Increases risk of Chronic Pain
Long periods of cell phone use cause you to arch your neck and hold your body in a strange posture. This can lead to back pain. Study indicates that children who use mobile phones extensively are prone to have non-malignant tumours in the ear and brain and another study states that it can bring changes in cognitive functions.

Here are some ways to avoid negative effects of cellphones on yourself

  • Negotiate yourself about what should be the acceptable  time you should spend on cell phones.
  • Curb   impulse of replying to the text.
  • Turn off the cell phone while driving.
  • Turn off the cellphone before going to sleep as it will help maintain a regular sleep schedule.
  • Have short to moderate conversations on cellphones.
  • Opt for a monthly plan that gives a structure for how many call minutes and text messages are available.

Eye health
Staring at your mobile device can cause problems in your vision.  Screens on mobile devices tend to be smaller than computer screens, which means you are more likely to squint and strain your eyes while reading messages. This could lead to potential vision problems that could include irritation and redness in the eye, blurred vision and headaches.
Effect on studies and
The effect of mobile phones on a child”s school work is noticeable. Performance in tests can suffer due to poor preparation or fatigue from using their smartphones well into the night. Even hobbies which were once loved  by you may no longer be considered worth pursuing.
Sexting is sending sexual messages usually done by mobile phones and social media. Sexting images are not private messages and can easily be shared with third parties and go viral.  Private photos or videos are used as a means of revenge by teens.
Cell Phone Safety For Teens
Cell phones are not going anywhere, at least not in the near future. So children you should learn about mobile phone safety and to use it responsiblywithin agreed boundaries.
In the conclusion I would say it is great to be a part of the growing technological world, and everyone should enjoy its benefits, including the teens, but in moderation.
 Aniket Raja

WaH Bharat

Krishna Bihari Vajpayee and  
the Father-Son-College

Late Krishna Bihari Vajpayee, the father of our former Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee had an unending faith in the pursuit of education . He never believed that age can be a bar in acquiring education. After retirement from a school in Gwalior, he enrolled himself as a law student in the DAV College, Kanpur where his son Atal Bihari Vajpayee was also doing the Law course. Father and son learning in the same class was a unique and obviously created immense curiosity for the people. It is said that for some time, they were also put into the same section of the class which was changed later on. All said , it highlighted the tremendous commitment of late Krishna Bihari Vajpayee to educational atmosphere he provided to his family members..   
 Nirmal Joshi
(Courtesy : Wah Bharat)


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