As the nation celebrates 67th Republic Day it is time to retrospect what we have achieved and what we could not during all these years. Some real life heroes or the achievers who have tried to look at the things differently through their respective experiments share their experience with Organiser. Here is what they feel about this journey and what should be the future course of action
Globalisation and economic rise has taken Bharat on to the heights. Socialism amongst people have drastically improved. A great height over the technology rise has also played a immense role in developing the nation. The incorporation of corporate investors from the overseas to our country has created a greater employment opportunity to the wider cross section of this community and that has also played a key role in developing the economy. Several countries in overseas have started and turning around to see Bharat over its growth on the various aspects and various walks of life. Right from the daily wages to the high cream salary by a corporate CEO has been increased and being increasing and also stabilising because of new innovations. All the above has led a big pathway only because our country the Great India which has became republic and I consider that to be a souvenir through my eyes.
Eradication of poverty, upliftment of the downtrodden, following the rules and regulations framed by the government, payment of appropriate taxations and the core agenda and concentration and focus to reach the destination of Bharat being a superpower country is relied upon when the corruption is eradicated. Therefore, curbing corruption should be top priority.
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