External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh is making new generation familiar with rich Bharateeya culture in foreign lands.
“We are the representatives of Bharateeya culture. To awaken the world we have to begin from ourselves. If we would get awakened, the world would be awakened. Thousands of people from Bharat went to different countries, but none went there to loot or to enslave anyone. We carried our values with us and not any weapons. The work of Sangh or Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) basically symbolises the same journey,” said RSS Sarkaryavah Shri Bhaiyaji Joshi, while inaugurating the five-day Vishwa Sangh Shivir at the historic city of Indore on December 29. Lok Sabha Speaker Smt Sumitra Mahajan was also present on the occasion.
About 720 delegates from 43 countries are taking part in the Shivir, which was organised by the HSS. It will conclude on January 3. In the previous camp organised in Mumbai in 2010, a total of 568 representatives from 38 countries had participated. This time the theme of the camp is Vyam Vishve Jagrayam—Let us Awaken the World. All the activities of the camp are based on this thinking. On second day the prime issue for discussion was welfare of the world mentioned in the Bharateeya Sant literature. Similarly, on third day the discussion focussed on the environment protection. RSS Sarsanghachalak Shri Mohan Bhagwat also attended the camp for two days i.e. on December 31 and January 1. He addressed the participants on January 1.
Shri Bhaiyaji Joshi said an ‘awakened’ Hindu society can lead the world on the path of happiness, peace and harmony. “We Hindus want to influence the world with our thoughts. We do not want to enslave the world. Our lifestyle and practices are full of love for everybody. We do not harbour hatred for anyone,” he added. Citing the example of Swami Vivekananda he added that both Bharat and Hinduism must be saved from flaws, and the Hindu way of life must be safeguarded for the sake of the welfare of the world. While there are and would always be some or other problems in the country, we must have faith in our philosophy, he said.
A of total 720 representatives from 43 countries participated. In 2010, 568 representatives from 38 countries had participated. Vyam Vishve Jagrayam—‘let us awaken the world’ is the theme of the Shivir. The camp is held after every five years. Last time in 2010 it was held in Mumbai. RSS Sarkaryavah Shri Bhaiyaji Joshi said, “The awakened Hindu society can lead the entire world on a path of happiness, peace and harmony.” |
Lok Sabha Speaker Smt Sumitra Mahajan described the participants as ‘Bharat’s Cultural Ambassadors’. She said that people of Bharateeya origin are members of many Parliaments world over, and they are raising people”s issues in those Houses. “Whenever Bharateeyas went to other countries, they didn”t go with the intention of conquest, but went to spread the good things from our country outside,” she said. The Bharateeya traditions and religious rituals are closely connected with the nature, and a tradition such as worship of trees has underlying message of environmental protection, she added.
On December 30, Union External Affairs Minister Smt Sushma Swaraj visited the camp and inaugurated an exhibition. She praised Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi saying the respect for Bharateeyas living in the countries visited by Shri Modi has grown. “Wherever Modiji has addressed the local Bharateeya communities during his visits to foreign countries, the Bharateeyas there are extremely happy. After the Prime Minister’s visits, the Bharateeyas in those countries are feeling a great sense of pride and the respect for them has increased,” she said. She said the camp was earlier held when Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee was the Prime Minister and now the country is holding it again when Modiji is the PM. She praised Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh saying that it is making new generation familiar with rich Bharateeya culture in foreign lands.
RSS Akhil Bharateeya Prachar Pramukh Dr Manmohan Vaidya also addressed the participants. He basically discussed various issues concerning Bharat and the world. He also answered different queries of the participants. On second day four parallel sessions were conducted.
On December 31, RSS Akhil Bharateeya Sewa Pramukh Shri Suhasrao Hiremath interacted with the camp participants. He said the prime objective of sewa is to turn those who are being served today into those who could serve other needy people tomorrow. According to Mukhya Shikshak of the Shivir Shri Ramyavaran, who came from Sidney, apart from intellectual activities equal focus remains on the physical activities, which include yoga and sports. Convener of HSS Shri Saumitra Gokhle told the media that the participants are sharing the experience of their respective countries with each other. Shri Ramesh Shah from Texas, USA, who is working for Ekal Vidyalayas there for the last 17 years, also spoke to the media.
—Pramod Kumar