The recent statements by Mani Shankar Aiyar and Salman Khurshid inviting Pakistan to topple the Modi government and an attempt by Congress spokes person to give communal colours to the arrests of Chhota Rajan and Anoop Chetia is nothing but the repetition of divisive history of the Congress Party.
What two leaders of Congress spoke in Pakistan is being hotly cursed by the Bharateeyas making Congress high-ups to try to disassociate the party from it. It is a routine political mimicry by the Congress as these leaders can’t move to Pakistan and speak out which hurts and dishonour the nation without party patronage. Society definitely understands the hidden desperation of Congress that is habitual of governing till now and not digesting opposition status that too in so meager strength. To regain the lost throne, Sonia Gandhi has decided to interrupt all government steps in or outside Parliament by instigating people against the Central Government. Congress has joined hands with the regional parties which are directly or indirectly part of the UPA. During Bihar elections they managed to create unrest in the name of Muslims, beef, Dalit card by strengthening it through the educationists, writers, artists, by dramatic returning of their awards. This all immediately stopped as soon as the elections got over. Entire nation could find most of these awards returning people were canvassing against Modi.
World laughs at such alligators who try to paste nation as intolerant to damage foreign business investments, to fail the government policy which is meant to financially upgrade the nation. Tolerance of the Central Government is globally known as the leaders of Opposite parties, who support Kashmiri separatists, who nearly approached UN against the nation, who try to justify the Paris terrorist attack, who share with national enemy Musharraf who made Kargil for Bharat to bleed and on Pakistan TV invite them to topple Bharateeya government are enjoying their all luxuries on Bharateeya soil.
The act of two Congress leaders in Pakistan against the nation drew the society to recall Congress act of a similar incidence in history which referred to Khilafat agitation that died with, as Turkey youth had dethroned Sultan of their nation who had lost major part of West Asia alongwith some parts of Europe of his Empire. The Bharateeya Muslims were outrightly in favour of agitation for Khilafat, as they were convinced that the British were responsible for the fall of Sultan. They also felt the British were instrumental to fail the Khilafat. Thus they restarted agitation for Khilafat in Bharat. Montague Chelmsford reform curbed the Khilafat forever. This had laid a dividing line between Hindus and Muslims.
As the Khilafat agitation died, the Ali Brothers—the most influential Muslim leaders—wanted to keep soul of Khilafat alive with the slogan “Who is enemy to Khilafat is enemy of Muslim”. Holding British responsible for the fall of Turkey Sultan, Ali brothers called Muslims to fight against them by taking it as a sacred responsibility. The then Congress leadership thought this to be an opportunity to bring Muslims under its leadership and openly assured Ali Brothers that it would stand with them for their cause.
The nation is now shocked to see that the Congress leaders on Pakistan TV, are asking Pak leaders to topple Bharateeya government
There is a need to snub these tendencies of anti-national elements by taking the appropriate action.
Jitender Kohli
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