A Page From History : Vedic Swaraj-II

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Vol. III, No. 39. 9 Jayastha 2007, May 22, 1950, Annas Four – Air Mail-/4/6

[This is the portion of Pt. Satavalekar’s thought-provoking “Manifesto”. It is based primarily on Eshopanishad. The erudite author is of opinion that the description of God in the Vedas substantially reflects Vedic ideas of an ideal ruler or administrator and Vedic sayings in this connection can throw great light on the tenets of the science of government. —Ed.]
Ruler and Ruled
Under our Government the subjects will live in happiness and will have respect for the administration and its officials (ईश सर्वभूतानि, सर्वभूतेषु ईश:). There will be complete understanding between the rulers and the ruled. The administration will be carried on only in public interest and the public will be kept informed about its activities. So there will be no opposition. When it is the people who rule themselves and when the rulers and the ruled are completely at one there will be no scope for ill-feeling (सर्वाणि भूतानि आत्मा एवं अभूत ).
Our government will always be pure and sinless (शुद्ध अपापविद्धम्). There will be no corruption, black marketing or bribery. The men guiding our administration will be learned, wise thoughtful, full of restraint, victorious, unwavering and visionaries (कवि: मनीथी परिभू: सुवयंभू:). Hence their administration will be flawless and suecessful.
Our Economy
Under our administration the economy will be proper and stable, so that all citizens will have the liberty of economic transactions (याथायतवती अर्थान व्यादधान शाश्वतीभ्ाय: समभाय:). The administration will take care that the economy will not fall from its stability.
In our Government the Department of Education will impart instruction in both spiritualism as well as material sciences (विद्या च अविघांच उभय सह ) so that the people can obtain material happiness through knowledge of Nature and mental bliss through knowledge of self. This combined system of education will be Instrumental in attaining both material prosperity and spiritual consummation.
Our Government will endeavour to achieve simultaneous progress of the individual and the society.
Gold Covers Truth
Gold covers and hides the truth, so the impediment of gold will be removed from the way of seeing truth (हिरण्मयेन यामेन सत्यस्यापिहित मुख्य:) In our Government no one will find it necessary to conceal truth for fear of those who have gold. Therefore it will be easy for people to practise truth in their daily business. Under our administration all functions and duties regarding maintenance of people, imparting of instruction and knowledge penalty of offenders, control of wealth, guiding the people on the right path etc. will continue to be performed sincerely (पूषन एक ऋष यम सूर्य प्राजापत्य ). It is desirable that every individual should remain vigilant about whether these functions of the administration conduce to the good of the greatest number (कल्याणतम रूप पश्यामि) for every Bharatiya.
Sound Mind: Sound Body
The body of man is perishable but his soul is immortal (असमान्त शरीर वायु: अमृतम् ). So our Government will make all efforts to see that all its subjects have sound bodies and long life-expectancy. But side, by side, care will be taken to add more lustre to the immortal part of man, the soul, through well-arranged national education, so that the citizens will obtain both material happiness and spiritual peace. Our government will arrange periodic retrospective reviews and what has been achieved and what not, what were the results, desirable as well as undesirable and what reforms are necessary (कृत स्मर).
Under our administration acts and deeds of everybody will be subjected to impartial enquiry (विश्वानि वमुनानी विद्वान) An impartial judge will decide whether the means of gaining wealth, used by men, are pure or corrupt. If they are corrupt the individul responsible will be brought to book. Our government will wage a relentless crusade against wickedness, vice and sin. (जुहुराण एन: युयोधी ) No quarter will be shown to these social evils.
A Godly State
Our administration will undoubtedly give scope for meditating over God (भूमिष्ठा नई उक्ति विधेम ) Our government will allow individual and public ceremonies for the worship meditation of the Divine This will lead to individual peace and organised strength Atheism will have no place in out State, for the very preamble of our Manifesto begins with “ईशा वास्यम ” and considers God to be the Highest Being. Let all be happy. Let all be healthy. Let all attain the Highest Good.
It is as ancient as the Vedas, and yet is as new. It is the declaration of rishis and it will lead to Universal Good.

-Pt. S.D. Satvalekar

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