Intro: The new age Bio-Plasmic Modulation Therapy used for managing a healthy personality uses fundamentals of Atharva Veda.
Bio-Plasmic Modulation (BPM) Therapy is using Avarana Sidhanta for managing a healthy personality. The five avaranas build an individual, by covering the soul. Gross form to subtle form of a birth cycle, is maintained by the kosas, or shells, and through the avaranas (Kosas) we are transferring the vasanas, from birth to birth. To think about diseases (Vyadhi) we found an integrated route from the previous births also, as mentioned in Ayurvedic scriptures, पूर्वजन्मकृतम् पापम् व्याधिरूपेण जायते (Poorvajanamkrutam paapam vyaadhiroopen jaayate).
Each Kosa (Annamayakosa, Pranamayakosa, Manomaya-vijnanamayakosa, Anandamayakosa) is considered as the part of different levels of appearance of Pancha Mahabhoota Sanghatha (fused formations of five elements).When the soul is covered by five kosas, it is considered as human birth. For therapeutic level, gross form is the appearance part of communication with symptoms base.
Annamayakosa: Grossest form of the body with the expressible formation of Tridosha Sanghatha. BPM Therapy uses fundamentals of Atharva Veda for objective observations and direct therapy modules. Scriptures like Natyayoga, Marmasastraare basically supporting the therapy.
Pranamayakosa: Subtle form of the gross body with the expressible formation of Pancha Prana, and visibly connected through breath. Most satvic inspiration of vayus well connected with the quality of Akas. To control the five form of vata or vayu in the body, sound energy management through classical music based on fundamental principles of Sama Veda, is used in this therapy method.
Manomaya-Vijnanamayakosa: Source and store of impressions created by karmas, well connected with socio-cultural externalities. Deep impressions caused by life style habits, created vasanas and forms bondage through birth cycles. As a therapeutic intervention, BPM Therapy uses, breathing exercises, yogic empowerment methods, and different forms of sound (Para, Pasyanthi, Madhyama, Vaikhari). Here, the different forms of sounds are used for neuro-linguistic control and vice-versa. Yajur Veda is the base for the subtle mind control and dharana to make control on subtle body system.
Anandamayakosa: This kosa makes subtle control on overall activities of a person, because of its nature. The base nature to taste the real freedom and happiness, formulated through various kosas, as various aspects and perceptions of life. The thirst of liberty makes fear of sorrows controlling different karmas in all points of life. Controlled life-style with virtues, the effect of mantras especially pranavamantra (vocal or instrumental) is the main aspect taken from Rig Veda.
In an integrated form the therapy is a combination of different scientific usage of music and sound energy management (as vibrations, ragas, various sound forms, neuro-linguistic forms and more). Using the Marma points (Subtle neuro-centers, physical neuro-points etc) the method controlling various prana (five forms of prana), 5 forms of kapha and 13 forms of Pita. Many of the stages, the external marma points are used for applications of herbal extractions. Movement therapy with the help of mudras and karanas, are used for nadee transmissions, through yogic principles. It is highly effective for preventive and post-surgery cardiac care, and diabetes without any heavy exercise, to burn the fat and cholesterol from the body. Light and aromatherapy are also used along with the Manonmani Vijnanavidya utilisation for better neuro de-stress and relaxation programmes.
Origination of BPM Therapy is from a wide nine stage yogic practices and the power of celibacy, called Chandrakalayoga. This is the method developed by the principles in ancient Tamil work Thirumantram of Thirumoolar. Thirumoolar is one of 18 sidhas guided by ancient Rishi Agasthya. As the traditional way, it is developed with the power of Aujus and the help of Vindujayam. To understand more about the implementation possibilities, it is necessary to know more about the fragmentations of Tridoshas, and the methodologies to control each for particular purposes. The methods seems very simple and friendly to patient, and without any harmful chemicals or side effects.
(With inputs from Bengaluru based institute, Luminous—An Illuminator of Science & Humanity)
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